Tips To Deep Clean Your Home

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Jam-packed schedules and hectic lifestyles can quickly derail any plans of devoting a whole weekend to clean your home. However, it’s essential to keep your humble abode clean. A dirty home not only leaves a bad impression but can also aggravate your physical and mental health. Not to mention, things like mold infestations and clogged drains can cause long-term damage if left unchecked. You might end up paying a lot more in repairs by pushing a deep cleaning session a few weeks ahead.

Nonetheless, we’re here to help. With these deep cleaning tips, you can maintain your home in tip-top condition all year long. We’ll focus on a few of the most commonly used areas of your house- the kitchen, living area, toilets, and bedroom. Let’s begin cleaning, shall we?

Deep clean your kitchen

A dirty kitchen is bad for your health because it’s the place where you prepare your food. And you wouldn’t want to do meal prep amid dust, mold, and pests, would you? To deep clean the area, follow these tips:

  • Remove mold: Use a mixture of cleaner (non-ammonia-based) and hot water or a commercial mold remover to wipe out any mold infestations growing in damp spots. If the mold is widespread, consider getting professional help. Homeowners in Jacksonville can visit hire expert mold removers. For others, a quick search on the internet should help you shortlist a few companies near you.
  • Clean out the refrigerator: Clean out every item from your fridge and freezer, wipe each shelf and drawer properly and discard expired food products. Clean the sides and top of your appliances and pull them from the wall to sweep/mop hidden areas clean.
  • Clean the drains: Add half a cup of baking soda and vinegardown the drain and plug it. Wait for a few minutes, and then detach the drain plug and wash it down with hot water. It will help to clean blocked pipes in the kitchen.
  • Clean thesink: Washing dishes in the sink doesn’t mean it’s clean! Empty your sink and sprinkle some baking soda over it. Use hot water and a cleaner to scrub it down to remove stains and grease on the sides.
  • Sweep and mop the floor: Move every piece of furniture to sweep and wash your kitchen floor thoroughly. For mopping, use mild soap with hot water, then absorb any wetness with a microfiber rag.

Deep clean theliving area

Thehome’s main living area gets plenty of straightening up regularly.Still, several spots can stack up dust, dirt, and animal hair if you’re a pet owner. And we all know how problematic the last one can be! Try these tips:

  • Cleanthe covers: Dip a cloth in equal parts of vinegar and water to wipe down every blind in your living area. For wooden blinds, a fine dusting with a microfiber rag will do. If you’ve got curtains, take them down for a good wash.
  • Clean carpets and rugs: To clean your carpets and rugs, vacuum them first. You can also wash them in a machine if they are small. A rug shampoo with hot water or steam cleaner can work for scrubbing large-sized rugs. If they’re too dusty, consider sending them over for a professional wash
  • Dust the furniture: Clean every piece of wood furniture, shelves, mantels, and photo frames with a microfiber cloth or brush. To capture the dirt more efficiently, use a vacuum hose with a high-efficiency air particle filter.
  • Clean light fixtures and ceiling fans: Keepingyour fans dust-free enhances their performance and longevity. Hence, ensure you don’t miss out on wiping them clean along with your light fixtures. Use a microfiber cloth if the latter are delicate. Otherwise, s rag with some soapy water should do.
  • Wash the windows: First, vacuum or sweep the dust off from the windowpane. If the window still looks filthy, wash them down with warm soapy water, rinse it, and dry it before they catch more dust.

Deep clean your toilet

The restroom can become a germy hotspot if you don’t clean it regularly. Also, it’ll land a lousy impression on people who visit your house. If you need to clean shit up, do the following:

  • Clean the seat: Clean your toilet thoroughly with a brush and a good detergent. Scrub as hard as you can to remove all the grime around the edges. Wash out and allow the toilet brush to dry before placing it back in the holder.
  • Wash bathmats and shower curtains: follow the manufacturer’s guidelines when washing shower curtains and plasticbathmats. It will help in cleaning dried water stains and prevent them from collecting more muck.
  • Scrub the shower area, sink, and tub: Prepare a mixture of hot water and baking soda, and use a scrub to clean the shower, sink, and tub. Use a diluted solution of vinegar and water on the faucets to keep them clean and shiny. Clean the drains just as you would clean the ones in your kitchen.
  • Mop the floor: Using hot water and soap, mop your bathroom’s floor. Don’t miss the area behind the toilet seat and under the sink. After you finish, wipe the floor with a dry cloth to prevent foot stains and accidental slips.

Deep clean your bedroom

While you probably change your bed sheets and pillow covers regularly, there are plenty of corners in your bedroom that you might overlook. And a messy and dirty room can get pretty insufferable, especially if you like staying cooped up in it. Try these tips:

  • Wash the sheets and pillowcases: Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for laundering your linen.Deep cleaning your bedroom is also the right time to dispose of worn-out beddings you no longer use.
  • Clean the mattress: Dust baking soda on your bare mattress and scrub it with a brush. Leave it for one hour and then vacuum it up. You might also want to clean the underside of your bed, especially if you love stashing things under your mattress.
  • Dust the headboard and tables: Using a microfiber cloth, dust all of your wood nightstands, cupboards, picture frames, light fixtures, wall art, and lamps. You can also use a vacuum hose attachment for the walls and roof.
  • Purge your closet: Deep clean your wardrobe by emptying it and giving it a nice dusting from top to bottom. You can also use this as an opportunity to get rid of old clothes you don’t need any more and reorganize your drawers.


Being a homeowner, you have a huge responsibility to ensure your humble abode is a tidy place to live in. A dirty home can affect your well-being and create a bad impression on guests. Cleaning your entire home is not that tough when you know how to do it on your own. This article went over a few tips to deep clean the main parts of your home’s interior. By following them meticulously,you’ll have a spotless place in no time. However, If you don’t have the time to do things yourself, ask for help.

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