Tips to Manage Rocky Times in A Marriage

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Marriage can be a harmonious and enjoyable time for couples who are madly in love with each other and who strive to build a life together, but that does not mean marriage is free of problems and dilemmas. In fact, it is common for couples whether married or not, to have arguments and disagreements and they can usually be resolved by simply communicating with your partner. However, there are external and unforeseen factors that can hurt a marriage that is out of your control and can translate into consequences if not handled with care.

Hard times and conflict are inevitable and they are just part of life, but when you overcome those tough times together, that can really deepen your sense of partnership. Whether you’re dealing with internal conflicts (disagreement, infidelity, health crises, mental illness, etc.) or external conflicts (loss, tragedy, job stress or loss, family or in-law issues, etc.), you’re going to come up against some mix of these challenges over the course of your marriage. But there is no need to fret, they are ways you can survive and thrive in your relationship.

Communication is Key

If someone asks you what the true basis of a happy married life is, you may say love, commitment, or honesty and these are all very good qualities to have in a marriage, but what ties all three together is communication. To sustain a happy marriage and have a strong bond with your spouse, it is essential that there is effective communication between the two. Communication is not just about words, is it also about actions or non-verbal communication that holds great significance as well.

If you do not know what is happening in your partner’s life or what is bothering them or what issues they may be dealing with, you may not be able to understand or empathize. This would slowly lead to a lack of interest in each other’s lives. Couples who often talk, discuss their lives and communicate with each other regularly not only have a better understanding of each other, but it also helps them to have a stronger bond with each other. When you understand your spouse and the situations they may be dealing with, there would be lesser scope for misunderstanding or ambiguity.

Keep the Love Alive

Couples have to remember what brought them together in the first place. It’s common for a couples’ love life to diminish a little due to other responsibilities in their lives such as paying the mortgage, taking care of the kids, work-life, finances, etc. Igniting more intimacy in your marriage is one way to cultivate and strengthen the bond between one another.

Together you can:

  • revisit things you have in common
  • invest in the interests or activities that excite your spouse
  • Set a dinner date or have a more intimate time in the bedroom
  • Laugh together and tell jokes

Seek External Advice

Oftentimes, there comes a point in a marriage when after all the trials and errors, all the fights and disagreements, it may be time to seek the advice of a professional or a community group. It can be a great thing to hear what others are thinking of your current situation and they can offer guidance and counsel. As a couple, the goal of seeking advice would be to improve your relationship, or ultimately to navigate the hard truth of divorce. In some cases, this is the inevitable result and that is okay, you should possibly not stay with someone who no longer has an interest in the relationship or in you. If you are seeking a divorce, speak to a lawyer. According to one Utah divorce attorney, family law attorneys sympathize with your situation and take into account how difficult it may be. They can give you proper guidance on how to handle your divorce should you choose to go that route.

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