Top 5 Ways to Keep the Mind Sharp

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No matter what age, it’s imperative to keep your mind sharp, and with the recent time’s thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s important now so more than ever. 

If you’ve felt yourself falling into a mundane slump of late (lockdown has caused a lot of boredom for people), or perhaps the years are passing you by and you feel the need to keep your brain fresh and active, there are many simple techniques that you can adopt in order to sharpen your mind. 

Apart from the usuals such as keeping a healthy, balanced diet and getting in the right amount of exercise, here are a few alternative options, that you may or may not have considered before…

  1. Start playing games 

Not just constructed for recreational purposes, board games were created to form a mental workout between players. 

Traditionally growing up, you may have enjoyed the likes of Chess, Backgammon, Sudoku, Scrabble, etc… But with the times we’ve seen a shift towards games now being played online – and it makes sense, these can be accessed anywhere and at any time, no equipment required. 

Playing Bingo, for example, can easily be done online, albeit with some minor technological advancements. Today you’ll find tons of online Bingo Sites that have an array of different games to choose from.  

Strategy games and puzzle-solving is a fantastic way to keep your brain sprightly. Anything that involves numbers and the need to focus on numbers is proven to keep the brain active and the mind sharp. Best thing? It doesn’t cost a penny to play these games. The likes of bingo, chess, backgammon et al are all found free on the internet.

  1. Add CBD to your diet 

In a recent research CBD Medical Study, the University of London discovered that when consuming CBD, it actually improves the blood flow to different parts of the brain that are responsible for dealing with memory and decision making. 

Here, 15 patients were administered 600mg of CBD, and the immediate results were outstanding. Researchers found that the CBD increased the blood flow to the hippocampus (a part of the brain that deals with memory and learning).

CBD has been known to help with focus and alleviating stress, and it’s also rich in vitamins and minerals. 

There are so many benefits for the mind from CBD that there are too many to list here. The cannabis and CBD industry is booming, and more and more studies support the use of CBD products for improving and maintaining the mind. Get on the CBD bandwagon.

  1. Learn a foreign language to boost cognitive functioning

If your travel plans got interrupted in 2020, why not learn a new language instead? Did you know that it’s a lot easier for children to learn new languages? Practicing this concept as an adult really exercises our brain muscles, as well as helps to improve cognitive functioning. Learn a new language to improve cognitive functioning.

  1. Read and Write differently 

Practise writing using your opposite hand for starters – you’ll see just how much focus this really requires! Changing your reading regime from your usual genres, for example, also broadens the mind, and you’ll find your mind learning unfamiliar words/concepts/contexts continually.  

  1. Eat unknown foods 

Huh? In fact, when you take in new foods your body and brain are actively calculating what these new sensations are. It’s also a great way to exercise all your senses at the same time, remember when we eat it’s not just our sense of taste that is being used but smell as well as sight and touch too. 

There you have it, our five simple, different alternative techniques to consider when thinking of ways to keep your mind constantly sharp. 

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