Top Home Remedies to Get Relief From Dry Eyes

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Sitting in front of a laptop or using your mobile device for long periods of time can cause dryness and irritation in your eyes. However, this irritation is different from the pain and discomfort one experiences because of the dry eyes. This is why a lot of people consider using a dry eye relief mask to get relief from dry eyes.

But what is dry eye syndrome, exactly?

Dry eye syndrome is basically characterized by the poor quality of tear production. The most common symptoms of dry eye syndrome may include – 

  • Redness
  • Blurred vision
  • Dry, scratchy, and pain in both the eyes
  • Fatigued eyes
  • Mucus in or around the eyes
  • Sensitivity to light
  • The feeling of having something in your eyes

There can be various reasons that may cause dry eye syndrome, such as allergies, contact lenses, aging, environmental factors, and certain medications. If you are looking to get relief from this syndrome, you can use a dry eye mask for sleeping. In addition to this, you can also use some of the common home remedies to get relief from dry eye syndrome. Here are the top ones –

1. Changing environment

As I mentioned before, an environmental factor is one of the common reasons for dry eyes. It is important for you to avoid smoke coming out of cigarettes, and you should also try to stay indoors when it is windy outside. Also, whenever you go out for a bike or motorcycle ride, you should wear appropriate eyewear to protect your eyes from the wind. A humidifier can add moisture to the air in your home, which can also help deal with dry eye syndrome. 

2. Add fatty acids to your diet

According to recent research, adding more omega-3 fatty acids to your diet can help in providing relief from dry eyes. The omega-3 fatty acid is effective in reducing inflammation you experience. So, adding more of this fat to your diet can help in reducing inflammation in your eyes while also promoting the production of tears of good quality. You can increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids by using omega-3 supplements or eating more foods that contain more of this nutrient. Some common foods include – 

  • Fatty fish
  • Walnuts
  • Soybean oil
  • Flaxseed oil and ground flaxseed
  • Chia seeds
  • Palm oil

3. Use ointments or drops 

When it comes to getting relief from dry eyes, you can use certain non-prescription products. Artificial tears or eye drops are common products that can provide temporary relief from the symptoms associated with dry eye syndrome. However, you have to be careful when using eye drops, as some of them may contain preservatives that prevent the growth of bacteria after the opening of the vial. Your eyes may react badly to these preservatives. This is why you should prefer using drops that contain no preservatives. 

But, ointments can provide a coat to your eyeball, providing long-term relief from the dryness of the eyes. However, you should use ointments just before your bedtime as they can impair your vision temporarily when you use them. So, you should use drops during the day and ointments before bedtime.

Wrapping it up

These are some of the top home remedies for dry eye syndrome that you can use to get relief from dry eye syndrome. But, if these remedies do not provide enough relief, you should consider consulting a doctor for dry eyes. It is better to pay attention to the symptoms and see a doctor when it is necessary.

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