Types of Cannabis and its Effects on the Body

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Marijuana exists in different types that have varied effects on the bodies of users. The major categories are Hybrid, Sativa, and Indica. Hybrid is made up of a mixture of seeds from different parts of the world. Delta 8 White Widow is a hybrid type of cannabis that is mostly grown in indoor greenhouses. 

Cannabis Sativa

Sativa thrives well in warm climates that favor its growth. It flowers under special light conditions that require up to eleven hours of darkness each day. Cannabis sativa has low levels of THC compared to other types of marijuana. 

Sativa is used to relieve the body of exhaustion and depression. It is said to boost creativity and uplift the mood of users. Users who consume cannabis Sativa in the mornings and afternoon are said to be more energized. Sativa has also been prescribed to relieve symptoms of mood disorders. CBD Oil also has many health benefits, such as pain management. 

Cannabis Indica

Cannabis Indica originates from cold regions that are characterized by hills and mountains. Indica is shorter in length and appears like a bush with full, darker leaves. It is a type of marijuana with low levels of CBD and high amounts of THC. 

The effect of cannabis Sativa on users is relaxing. People with sleeping disorders mostly use it. Research shows that cannabis Indica offers relief from pain and insomnia, unlike Sativa due to increased levels of THC. 

Hybrid Cannabis

A hybrid type of marijuana results from cross germinating Sativa and Indica breeds to produce the effects of both types. In modern times, the hybrid strain is the most commonly grown type of weed. Marijuana seeds from different geographical locations are cross germinated to create a balance between the two types. Nowadays hybrid strains are gaining popularity among cannabis users for various reasons. Royal Queen and White Widow strains are among some of the most famous strains for their potency and effect.

The effects of hybrids depend on the dominating effect on the user. Sour diesel is a form of hybrid marijuana that has the highest energizing effects than Sativa. It is believed to cause a head rush among the users, and in some instances, it leads to physical relaxation. Hybrid cannabis is used by people with mild depression, mild stress, or anxiety. It is also known to increase appetite, relieve body pains and aches. 

Health Benefits of Marijuana

The compounds contained in cannabis have the following health benefits;

  • It prevents the spread of cancer. CBD helps prevent the spread of cancer cells by inactivating the gene responsible for the quick spread of the disease to other body cells. 
  • Treatment of nerve disorders. Medical marijuana is used in the treatment of severe nerve disorders such as seizures and epilepsy. Health professionals monitor the use for treatment purposes only. 
  • Reduce the effects of glaucoma. Marijuana slows down the progress of glaucoma, which prevents blindness. It achieves this by reducing pressure in the inner eye. 
  • Treatment of mental disorders. Medical marijuana is used to treat mental issues such as depression, stress, insomnia, and anxiety. It is also believed to slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, which kills brain cells. 

Negative Side Effects of Marijuana

Marijuana may have negative effects on the users if not monitored and when used for the wrong purposes. Increased use of cannabis can lead to impaired memory and affect learning patterns. The ability to reason and make decisions is challenged by dependence on marijuana. It slows down the user’s thinking process and how they react in different situations. 

The use of marijuana can lead to mood swings, and in some situations, frequent users may develop hallucinations. Users may develop a low mood when not under the influence of cannabis. 

In some instances, marijuana use leads to heightened anxiety and paranoia. People who have used it for a long time may develop strong negative thoughts depending on the chemical constituents of the type consumed.

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