Ultimate Grow Tent Accessories 2020 to Set Up a Perfect Indoor Grow Tent

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When growing marijuana, you can either grow it indoors or outdoors. Most marijuana growers opt to do it indoors, as it will give them more control over the plants while they grow, which allows them to grow the crop in optimum ways. Furthermore, when growing marijuana indoors, there are even more options to choose from; with grow tents being a suitable growing method.

But purchasing and using leading brands in grow tents alone isn’t enough to keep your marijuana plants flourishing and developing. Even when you provide enough light, heat, air, and water isn’t enough, as these plants require a bit more for optimal growth conditions. That’s where the best grow tent accessories come along.

These are non-essential additions to grow tents, though when they are installed, it boosts your plants’ growth. But with the many accessories available, which are the useful ones that are worth the investment? Read on to find out!

The Best Grow Tent Accessories for the Perfect Indoor Grow Tent

  1. Carbon Dioxide Sources

Plants require carbon dioxide to grow better, and though they get this from air naturally, you can boost its levels with carbon dioxide sources. You can invest in burners, tanks, and/or regulator kits, which help improve the flow of carbon dioxide in grow tents. Tanks are placed outside the tent, with tubes running inside to provide optimum levels of carbon dioxide. 

  1. Circulation Fans

Most grow rooms have exhaust fans, as well as fan inlets allowing air to move in and out efficiently. Exhaust fans have the primary purpose of moving stale air out, though it may be best to have a circulation fan as well, which creates breeze around your plants growing in the grow tent. This gives your plants the free-flowing breeze it would normally get if it were growing outside.

Such a breeze is crucial for plants, as it strengthens their stems and branches. It also helps control temperatures, dissipating any accumulated heat while reducing pests.

  1. Side Lighting Systems

Most growers are familiar with what frow lights are and how it functions. But do you know about side lighting systems? These provide additional lights to plants, going beyond the regular grow lights, though they shouldn’t be used as a replacement for grow lights.

Supplemental lights help provide light in certain angles grow lights can’t. It’s beneficial during the later stages of growth when vegetation becomes denser and regular grow lights can’t penetrate lower areas, which get dark and obstructed due to the bigger leaf sizes.

  1. Portable Air Conditioner and/or Humidifier

This is a slightly pricier grow tent accessory, but still a great one to consider, especially when growing large-scale and when you have the budget. Mini air conditioners will help control the temperature of your indoor grow tent, which is helpful if you live in hot climates. 

You may also want to get a portable humidifier for better temperature and air levels. Plants require a temperature that isn’t hot nor cold, and high humidity levels during the early growth stages, then lower humidity during the flowering stage. Both temperature and humidity play a huge role in boosting your yield of marijuana plants. 

  1. Drying Racks

This is a useful accessory in the later stages of the plant’s growth cycle, the most useful once the growth and flowering stages are done. Once you’re in the harvesting stage, the buds you harvest require proper drying, and that’s where drying racks come along.

Drying racks will allow growers to dry their buds as they ensure proper space for every bud to dry, so they won’t be kept in compact manners. Drying racks are inexpensive, coming in different sizes, and can be hung on top of your grow tent or placed on the ground. 

  1. Sticky Traps

Sticky traps are useful for growers who have areas prone to insects and/or pests. These accessories are sheets where insects get lured based on its scents, and once they land on it, they aren’t able to escape, getting stuck so they can’t get to your plants. These are inexpensive accessories and will prevent pests from getting to your plants, which can cause damage to their leaves.

  1. Carbon Filters

Are you having trouble with the smell of your growing marijuana plants? Then you’ll want to mask it with carbon filters, which suck in the smell so you won’t have a grow tent or room smelling strongly of weed,

Wrapping It Up

Grow tent accessories for marijuana plants are an excellent investment if you want to improve your plants’ growth and development. You can find these on sale in many gardening stores or websites, just make sure you select accessories made from reputable brands and with high-quality parts. 

I hope my guide helped you out, so start making the right investments and good luck growing your marijuana plants!

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