Ways to Keep Fish Aquariums When You Have Cats

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Including an aquarium in your home can provide a calming, peaceful effect. The soft sound of the running water, aesthetically pleasing lighting, and slow movements of your aquatic pets is amusing for both children and adults alike. However, the peace of this may be easily broken if you also own a cat. 

Cats often view aquariums as a highly enjoyable show designed specifically for their amusement. The movement of the fish triggers their hunting abilities, and flowing water draws their attention as cats prefer fresh water for drinking. 

Their antics may leave you frustrated while you clean up water droplets off the floor, clean filters of cat hair, and try to problem solve keeping your fish safe. Take a look at a few of these tried and true solutions in order to keep a fish aquarium when you have cats, without the kitty drama. 

The Price of Keeping Animals

There is a price to keeping animals, and it isn’t related to your budget. Rather, it can be measured in the key attributes it provides to those within your household. They provide companionship, responsibility, and an ability to recognize compassion and kindness– invaluable lessons for both children and adults alike. 

They also can be a tad bit frustrating from time to time, especially if you have a species clash. Short of deciding to get rid of one animal over another, you have to discover a way to make your animals co-inhabitat. Luckily, this is a fairly easy process when dealing with the age old problem of cat versus fish.

Tank Location

Where you place your tank can be rather inviting to cats, or discourage them from getting too close. Tanks placed in built in recesses, bookcases, or on specially designed stands are not as inviting to cats as those placed on tables or shelves that provide plenty of

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