What Does Laser Hair Removal Touch-Up Mean?

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Today, more and more people are opting for laser hair removal treatments, and it is easy to see why: they are easy to perform, are completely painless, and they give you a permanent result. The modern Alexandrite lasers are so powerful that their rays penetrate deep into the hair roots and hinder their ability to grow hair. However, a touch-up laser session is always necessary to ensure the best hair removal results. It’s important to note that grey, blonde, and white hair are not eligible for laser treatment. If you have this kind of hair, you will need to choose other hair removal techniques like electrolysis.

Where Can You Get Laser Hair Removal?

The usage of laser hair removal has outpaced all the previous methods of hair removal. This is because laser hair removal offers a completely safe treatment without causing skin rashes and other adverse effects. Because of its risky nature, only dermatologists and certified aestheticians are licensed to perform laser hair removal treatments. The wide adoption of laser hair removal has also been bolstered by laser hair removal affordability. Today, you have the chance to remove all hair from your body for less than $2,000, which is a competitive price compared to other traditional methods. Laser hair removal is also fast and doesn’t require any special prior preparation on the side of the patients. 

How Long Does A Laser Hair Removal Session Last?

Laser hair removal sessions are generally brief. The duration mainly depends on the type of hair, the area one would like to remove hair from, and the professional’s experience. The laser session can last more than an hour if you have to perform leg hair removal. However, it wouldn’t last more than half an hour if the hair removal involves other parts of the body, like the armpits and genital area. While some doctors prefer to perform laser hair removal themselves, especially when dealing with the facial area, other doctors have trained nurses to operate the laser device. As part of the procedure, a nurse will use a dermal pen to divide the legs, chest, and back area into small squares. The doctor will focus on each square and therefore the probability of sending laser pulses to the same spot twice becomes significantly lower.

Do You Need Constant Touch-Ups After The Initial Session?

Touch-up is the industry name for the follow-up appointments after the initial laser hair removal therapy. The visit is necessary to let the doctor check the treated areas and decide if the initial hair removal process was a success. If the doctor determines that the initial procedure was enough, there will be no reason to do a touch up. With a touch-up session, the expert will perform laser hair removal on the hair roots that are still alive so that their activities can be stopped once and for all. Touch-ups are usually scheduled a month after your initial laser hair removal treatment. That’s sufficient time to let the doctor decide which areas need more laser light. 

Dermatologists usually advise their patients to visit them every six months during the first year to ensure that their hair removal is made permanent. 

How Can A Touch-Up Increase The Effectiveness Of Laser Treatment?

People react differently to laser hair treatment. People with dark hair may only need one or two sessions and a few subsequent touch-ups to remove their hair permanently. On the other hand, patients with lighter hair pigmentation may need more sessions and many touch-ups to reach the same level of effectiveness. Generally, touch-ups contribute to the permanency of laser hair removal. If performed quickly after the initial laser treatment, touch-ups ensure permanent destruction of the hair roots. 

As laser hair removal becomes more popular, there has been an increase in the number of dermatology practices in the US that have invested in laser hair removal devices. This means that, with the wide adoption,  the cost of getting a procedure done will only go down, which is a huge win for fans of laser hair removal. Laser treatment could never be so successful without the existence of touch-up appointments, and so talk to your dermatologist about the best time to have a second session.

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