What is a Water Softener and How Does It Work?

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There is a different type of water softener in the market that works on the ion exchange system. One of the main reasons water softeners become so common is that scale of hardness ion is the increase in groundwater. Hard water can be the affect your skin, your home and your wallet. 

We use a water softener to reduce the effects caused by hard water, and by doing this, we can create better quality water that can enhance the life of your appliances. 

Well, do you know how water softeners work? Or you are one of those people who think water softeners also make your water hot? If you are wondering why your house water isn’t getting hot, this one is not for you. So, let’s learn more about Water softeners. 

Introduction to water softener

The filtration system in which we remove the high concentration of magnesium and calcium causes the water’s hardness. Water passes through a water softener, in which the system filters out these hard water minerals and then leaves the water softening filtrating system to flow through pluming.

If you are wondering when you need a water softener, it’s simple. Just take a deep look around your house for the rigid water signs that can be easily seen, such as mineral-like crust built up on your shower head or around your faucets. Hard water also built up the soap scum in your sinks or even your shower walls. One of the main symptoms that show you need a water softener is when you do your laundry and your clothes become stiff. Dry or irritated skin and dull hair after showering are also because of hard water.

Importance of water softener

Water softer can extend the life of your life appliances and make your home look and feel better. It leads to no embarrassing stains on your clothes and on tubs and showers. Soft water helps you to get smoother and softer skin. It can reduce your energy bills and improved water heater efficiency.

You can extend the life of water-using appliances by using water softening filtration. A water softener reduces spotting on dishes and glassware. You can get brighter whiteners and soft clothes with the help of a water softener.

Consumers can get several benefits from water softening filters, such as fewer detergents and soaps are needed. These softening filters only remove the minerals that cause hardness. 

What type of water is softer perfect?

Many people debate on the topic of potassium vs salt water softener what is best. But, first, you have to understand that almost all conditioners and water softeners effectively work with potassium chloride or sodium chloride.

We have many softening salt pellets sold in home improvement stores containing many impurities or water-insoluble matter that cause buildup in your reservoir and cause your softener malfunction. Evaporated salt pellets have the highest purity rate with the less insoluble matter. Unlike softening salt pellets, potassium chloride is 99.9% sodium-free and can be the best alternative of salt in the brine tank to regenerate the softening resin. 

When you are buying a water softener, the Second thing that came to our mind is what size water softener do I need? Don’t worry. You can determine the water softener size for your home by multiplying the number of your family member by the gallons of water they use every day. You can also figure out how many grains need to be removed every day by multiplying the number you get from above by the grains of hardness in your water. 

How does a water softener work?

The biggest misconception we have about water softeners is that salt softens water in them. Water is softened by the thousands of tiny resin beads present in the tank that filter out the chemicals that cause hard water. Salt is used for the cleaning of resin beads during the regeneration cycle. It allows the softening system to remove hardness from your water supply continuously.

A water softener works on the ion exchange in which hardness ions are exchanged for salt ions. This ion exchange takes place in the resin tank of the water softener. First, water flows through the tank and makes contact with resin beads. Then, these resin beads are covered with salt ions and when water flows through the resin beads, hardness ion exchange with salt ions. So, water is softened by the higher content of salt in water.

In other words, a water softener works a lot like a magnet. Just like traditional magnet bar, where positive and negative things attract water softener works. In water softeners, magnesium and calcium are two main culprits that cause the hardness of the water. Both of these molecules are positively charged. When hard water passes through the filter of the softening system that is filled with negatively charge resin beads, and just like a magnet where opposites attract hard water moves through the resin beads.

Salt and water flush through the resin beads during regeneration. Then, like a magnet, positive charges in the salt, magnesium, and calcium are repelled each other and magnesium and calcium detach from the resin beads and remove from the tank along with all the salty water.

Suppose you are new and don’t know how water softeners work. Look for an NSF (national sanitation foundation) certified water softener that has a system monitor. You can easily find the level of salt, either low or high, and maintain optimum levels of sot water. You can get water softener salt delivery from Culligan when you need to change it.

The most common ion-exchange softeners are demand-initiated regeneration water softeners that are sold locally. These water softeners only generate when needed or a different on-time schedule that regenerates at set increments.

Final verdict

Water softeners become more familiar with time. These water softeners have great importance as they enhance the quality of life and extend water appliances’ lives. Water softeners are good for skin and dry skulls and even for washing clothes. If you are searching for a way through which you can reduce the hardness of water at your home, a water softener is the best solution. So don’t waste time and order one for your home and make your life easier.

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