What Kind Of Dentures Are The Best Dentures?

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Teeth loss is unavoidable. We begin to lose our teeth as we get older for a multitude of reasons.

As a result, finding an appropriate alternative to replace them is critical.

And what better approach to replace teeth than with dentures, the oldest and most popular method? Millions of individuals all over the world use dentures to preserve their mouth function and get a natural-looking smile.

But the first thing to consider is what kind of dentures you need. There are many different types and materials available. You will have to decide which type will best fit your lifestyle requirements, budget, eating habits, and medical needs.

To solve your confusion we decided to get in touch with Dr. Mike Shalaby and Dr. Mark Shalaby who provide affordable dentures in Austin, Tx.

Types Of Dentures

Immediate Dentures

Also known as the same dentures, immediate dentures are typically used right after extraction as a temporary measure. After extraction, your gums and jawbone need a few weeks to heal.

During this period immediate dentures help chew food and enable healing. Such dentures are usually not custom-fitted and prone to breakage and thus, not recommended for long-term use.

Removable Dentures

These are the traditional types of dentures that replace all your teeth. They sit on the gums and can be easily removed for cleaning. They allow you to eat normally but may cause a little lisp in certain people.

They have a 10-year lifespan and are highly cost-effective.

Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant retained dentures are the greatest option for improved functionality and fit. They snap into place on top of your dental implant and remain in place throughout the day.

They also assist to prevent bone loss and have the most cosmetically attractive appearance of any denture treatment.

Partial Dentures.

When the patient has lost only a few teeth, a partial denture can be used to replace the few missing teeth. Partial dentures are fitted around a metal framework and are comfortable to wear. They are durable but not permanent and need to replace

Which Dentures Should You Choose?

Every type of denture has advantages and disadvantages. As a result, the choice to get dentures should be made after speaking with a dentist about your needs and preferences.

If you need to replace just a few teeth, partial dentures are best. But if you need to replace an entire arch, or even all your teeth, removable or implant-supported dentures are better suited to your needs.

Implant-supported dentures are a costly option and need surgery. They will not, however, loosen as you talk and are quite sturdy.

Removable dentures, on the other hand, are the best option if you require a non-invasive, low-cost, and instant solution.

Where To Get Affordable Dentures?

For affordable dentures Austin, Tx, we recommend scheduling a consultation with Dr. Mike or Dr. Mark Shalaby at Paradigm Dental. Their dental office is designed to offer you a concierge experience and high-quality dental care. 

They also have an in-house laboratory where they can fabricate, wax, set, and shade your dentures in the office itself.

As a result, you will get a perfect fit and best shade match too. They will help you choose the right dentures, and answer any questions that you may have regarding the procedure.

So call Paradigm dental right away to get a new smile.


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