What Makes Dog Food High Quality

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Finding the perfect high-quality dog food for your fur baby can be a difficult experience if you have a pup that has some health issues. Before shopping for food, you should always consult with your veterinarian before taking the plunge and making a purchase.

While shopping for dogs with health issues is a rare issue, many people are affected.  Knowing what is in your dog’s food could keep pet parents at ease in the long run.   If you are looking to find the difference between good and bad dog food, do not fret.  Below is some information on what to look for if you are trying to shop for better dog food choices.

AAFCO Rating 

When shopping for the right dog food, there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind.  First and foremost, is checking the label to see if your dog’s potential food is recommended by the AAFCO which stands for (Animal Feed Control Officials).  

When your dog has a stamp of approval from the AAFCO, that just means you have the added benefit of knowing you are getting a top-of-the-line choice that is potentially going to be the perfect option for your pet.  The AAFCO has strict and rigorous guidelines and submitting to them is perfectly voluntary.  

So if you are getting a brand that has passed those guidelines, you know the manufacturer has taken extra steps to make sure it is a good product. Many people believe that the main ingredient which should probably be an essential protein.  

For example, many dog foods say that their main ingredients are things like “chicken, salmon, lamb, etc.”  Those proteins don’t necessarily matter. 

Consider Grains 

If you are shopping for dog food, you may believe that getting grains couldn’t necessarily benefit your dog’s health in the long run. The common misconception is that dogs need to eat nothing but meat. Grains could add a beneficial element to your dog’s health and keep them around you a lot longer.

Some people believe that if your dog has an allergy, that getting a grain-heavy food could potentially be a bad thing for your dog.   That is not always the case.  Before getting your dog a grain-heavy food, and know that your pooch may suffer from allergies, it is always beneficial to talk to your vet to get a better opinion and maybe even the green light to go ahead and buy that specific food brand. 

Some brands also tend to be more water-based.  

If you are getting wet food that is high on the water content, you aren’t necessarily getting your dog the best food.  You are going to want to read the label and make sure it is more protein and grain-heavy.  

Another thing to keep in mind is the fact that some of the dog food phrasings you are going to find are going to say things like it consists of a single ingredient.  To pass specific guidelines, this dog food is going to have to consist of up 95% of that specific ingredient. 

By-Products Are Important

Checking the facts on the byproducts could also be a benefit in finding the right food choice for your dog. By-products are highly digestible components of your dog’s food.  These products will never contain products like hooves, hair, horns like many advertisers lead you to believe.  

Instead, these by-products should not only be healthy but should add to your dog’s quality of life.  Be sure to read exactly what is in these by-products and know what you are putting inside your dog’s body.  These furry creatures depend on you and therefore deserve nothing but the best when it comes to food. 

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