What Makes Katana Swords The Best

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Katana swords are well known across the globe for being the strongest and most versatile of all types of swords. With their history in Japan, these deadly weapons have actually been around for centuries now. As time has gone on, their popularity has grown, despite the fact that during this time other types of swords have emerged from all over the world. This poses the question then of why is the katana still considered to be the best sword in the world?

They are made with great precision

The production process for a genuine Katana sword is a highly difficult, methodical, and painstaking one. Whereas some swords are produced en masse in large factories where there is very little in the way of quality control, the process of making a katana sword takes many months. In fact, some of the very best ones can take as long as 6 months to be forged. This is a pretty astonishing fact given that thousands of these were produced back in the times of feudal Japan.

They are the perfect length

Different swords come in all sorts of sizes, with some having blades just a couple of inches long and others having ones that are as long as 50 inches. The blade of a katana sword is somewhere in the middle of this at 23 ? – 28

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