What To Do If a Family Member Has Been in an Accident

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The last thing you expected has happened: you have received an urgent call from a loved one informing you that they have been in a car accident. Your mind starts rushing in every direction, but you know you have to help. If the accident is close to where you are, you might decide to drive over and see how bad the situation looks and whether your family member has suffered any injuries. You know you need to keep calm and offer support at a time when it is desperately needed.

Here is what you need to do next:

Call EMS Immediately

Calling for an ambulance to transport your relative to the nearest emergency room is the first thing you have to do. Even if they do not want to go to the emergency room, insist that they have their injuries checked out as soon as possible, they do not want to discover internal injuries once other complications might have developed.

Get the Police to the Scene

It is important to have a police presence at the scene. They will gather the necessary information on the accident and prepare a report. It is vital to get a copy of this report should you need to file a claim against the driver responsible for your family member’s injuries.

Exchange Information with The Other Driver

Don’t leave the scene of the accident without gathering information on the other driver. Get their name and address, their insurance information, the particulars on the car, their license number, and their cell number.

Take Photos of the Accident Scene

Get your family member to a safe place and use your phone to document the accident. Take pictures of both cars and the damage to them. Also, photograph anything that looks relevant and might have played a role in the accident, such as traffic signs, oil on the road, or any other distractions.

Gather Names of Witnesses

Witnesses can be invaluable should a claim be filed. If anyone around witnessed what happened, get their testimonies as well as their contact information. You may have to call on them at a later date.

Take Your Family Member Home

Keep in mind that your relative has just gone through a traumatic ordeal. They may be in a state of shock and overwhelmed by what just happened. They may also be in disbelief as to their injuries and the medical treatment that will be needed for them to recover their health. Ask them to keep a detailed file with everything related to their treatment from doctor’s visits, therapies, prescriptions, rehabilitation, and more.

Call a Personal Injury Attorney 

If a family member has been injured in an accident, you should call a lawyer before accepting any settlement from an insurance company. Remind your loved one that the insurance company will most likely start out with a low offer in the hopes that it will be accepted. Working with an experienced car accident attorney will help them get the maximum compensation they deserve.

Also, should their attorney recommend that they file a claim against the responsible party, explain to your loved one that there is a certain time limit to file, after which no action is possible. After that, an accident attorney will build a strong case on their behalf. 

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