here are many reasons you may get divorced from your partner. Whether the divorce is agreed upon with no fault on either side and just you no longer want to be married, or something has happened, and you need a clean break from your marriage, there are some things that you may not expect or realize you will need.

In this article, we will discuss some things you might not expect to be addressed and what you need to do.
When a marriage ends in divorce or dissolution, there are still some financial contributions that may need to be made. This is particularly true if you have been the main earner. During a divorce, you can get something called a consent order; this has to be signed by a judge and will be done during a divorce hearing.
With a consent order, you can agree with your ex-partner things like a financial agreement for spousal maintenance. However, not all consent orders need to be concerning money and will not dissolve you in any future financial claims. If you wish to be completely financially independent of your ex-partner, you will need to speak with your solicitor.
As with most things in a divorce, it is beneficial if you can come to these agreements without legal aid. However, if you have legal aid and the support of a court in signing off a contract outlining all financial dependencies, what you are splitting, and how this can be enforced, this is beneficial to both parties.
Without a consent order or a written and signed agreement, preferably with a solicitor present, you will be unable to get some kind of legal reinforcement if payments are not met and the financial agreement is not upheld.
Within a consent order, you can also outline property and other things of monetary value, which will be split. It is important to include these things to show a fair and reasonable split between you and the person you are divorcing.
If you have children and need to arrange a contact order or just arrange how time will be split between parents, this can be done in court. However, as previously mentioned, the more things you can sort with your ex-partner outside of court the better. Having a solicitor help you draw together any agreement will help in a situation where this is not being upheld but is not necessary.
Regardless of why you are ending your marriage, it is important to ensure that your children are cared for and you find a way to co-parent. If this is a no-fault divorce, this can often be easier than if there were issues.
This is why the court or a solicitor can help you arrange contact agreements and support you through what is reasonable for child maintenance. Child maintenance could also be agreed upon within a consent order.
Although you need to go through court to get a dissolution of marriage or a divorce, you do not always need to go through court for every part. If you can come to a reasonable agreement with your ex-partner about money and how you will continue going forward, it is only beneficial to have a solicitor help you with the paperwork so that you will have a legally binding agreement in case something goes wrong.

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