What to Look for in An Electricity and Gas Provider

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Whether you’re moving or just looking for something better, finding the right energy provider can be a hard task. You need to consider a few factors when comparing the companies you’re interested in, and you definitely shouldn’t go with the first one you see. If you want to compare electricity providers in one place, check out ElectricityRates.com to find the best deals in under a minute.

The following is a short guide to help you make switching your gas and electric supplier easier.

Look at the Information the Supplier Provides

Before you commit to an energy supplier you want to ensure that they have the right credentials. This information can easily be found by searching the internet or simply asking. The company you choose should be licensed in your state. 

Find out the sources of the energy they use. This includes renewable sources, natural gas, solar, or electric. 

You should also note whether the price they charge includes a state tax or any other type of taxes, fees, or charges. The more transparent they are with their pricing, the more you can trust them. 

Analyze What Your Last or Current Costs Were

If you’re simply switching your electric and gas provider, you want to analyze the cost you’re currently paying. When you fully understand the cost of energy for your house or your small business, you’ll know right away whether a supplier will be able to meet your needs. 

When it comes to cost, the second thing you’ll want to take into consideration is the type of rate you’ll want. The two you’ll run into while searching is variable and fixed rates. 

With a fixed rate, you pay the exact same price per kilowatt per hour for your entire plan. This means that you’ll be billed the same each month and are protected from any increases in energy costs. 

At a variable rate, your price will change monthly per kilowatt per hour you use according to the market price. With this type of rate, you’ll experience a spike in price if the market experiencing an upswing. However, you can save money if they go down. If you only really use minimal energy, you can really save with this plan. 

To find the cheapest electricity or gas provider for you, compare every type of plan.   

Consider the Supplier’s Reputation

With hundreds of legitimate companies out there, finding the right one relies heavily on the reputation they have among their consumers. Be aware of deceptive marketing techniques that will promise a super low rate. 

This rate will without a doubt go up in the following few months through hidden charges and fees. Energy deregulation is still new, so there are a number of shady operations that will take an opportunity to take advantage of unsuspecting consumers. 

Before you choose the best electric or gas supplier for you, you’ll want to read the reviews and testimonies of previous and current clients. Customers will quickly tell you if a company is attempting to scam you and let you know how responsive the company is to any questions or concerns you may have. 

Don’t Forget Plan Length

The final factor that you should consider when selecting an energy provider is the length of the plan. These plans typically come in increments of six, 12, and 24 months. 

Whether you choose to go with a long- or short-term plan depends on your willingness to risk your money. When you choose short-term, you can expect slightly higher rates than what’s expected for a longer-term plan. 

Exercise Your Power to Choose

Don’t feel the need to go with an energy provider that seems to be the cheapest or easiest. Do your research to find the best rates for your needs. Review plans and pricing as well as any terms and conditions of the plans that you’re seriously considering. 

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