What to Pack: Essential Surfing Items for Every Trip

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Packing for a trip is never as easy as one might think, so here’s a complete list of the essential surfing items that you should have inside your luggage or backpack to save your time.

What usually happens is you plan your surfing trip for years, months, or weeks. However, you mostly leave packing until the last minute. That will often leave you scrambling for things you might need while you’re away. While that’s not a problem for some people, hyper packing at the last minute can often lead you to forget some essential items.

There is nothing more frustrating than being stranded in a beautiful island with world-class waves that you can’t enjoy because you forgot to pack appropriate clothing or extra fins after yours broke. Especially if you are going to remote surfing spots, there might not be any surf shop nearby where you can buy the item that you need.

It is why it’s important to pack the complete essential surfing items, gear, and accessories before any trip.

Essential Surfing Items for Every Trip

Even if you have been going to surfing trips for years, it’s always smart to remind yourself of the travel essentials you need to pack. Here’s a look at the essential surfing items to pack before going on a trip to chase the best waves in the ocean.

#1. Surfboards

There is nothing like a surfing trip dilemma than when you got everything with you, but not your surfboard. Although that isn’t usually the problem, another likely scenario is you breaking your surfboard while pumping in the waves.

There is no shortage of circumstances that surfers going on a trip can come up to give reasons why it’s essential to bring an extra surfboard. If you think there is no point in taking two identical surfboards – try top jet surfing boards. With these boards you can surf even without waves in every place you like.

For most surfer or most surfing trips, bringing two surfboards is ideal, especially if you are going to remote locations where you can’t rent a surfboard. While you can bring more than two or as many surfboards as you can carry, that usually involves taxes when boarding an airplane.

#2. Soft Surfboard Rack

Another one of the useful items you can bring in any surfing trip is a soft rack to hold your board while traveling. In cases when you need to transport your board, and there are no options to hold it in place while traveling, a soft rack would make a convenient alternative. It’s much secure and safer for your boards compared to a couple of ropes.

#3. Wetsuit or Rash Guard

Another one of essential surfing items to add to your packing list before going into any surfing trip is the right kind of clothing. It helps if you know the climate and typical water temperature on the beach or surfing location that you will visit.

In any case that you want to be ready for any surfing weather during the trip, a surfing wetsuit is a safe option. Bringing a rash guard is also an advantage. It will give your skin a break once in a while from your wetsuit.

#4. Reef Booties

Reef booties may not be the coolest thing to wear, but they can make your feet safe and secure if your heading into unknown reef breaks. You don’t want to get stuck away from the water for a couple of days because you got a nasty reef cut that needs to heal.

So, don’t forget to pack your booties before going on a surfing trip.

#5. Extra Fin Sets and Keys

In any case that your fin breaks, it’s convenient to have an extra set with you, especially if there are no surf shops where you can buy a replacement. Two or three sets of extra fins and fin keys are some of the essential surfing items you shouldn’t forget to pack.

#6. Board Wax and Comb

Board wax is one of the essentials that is commonly shared by surfers, and before long, you’re running out of it. Bring enough wax as necessary, and don’t forget the wax comb too. Make sure you are bringing the right kind of board wax, which will depend on the climate and temperature in your surfing destination.

#7. Sunscreen

Never underestimate the sun when you go surfing. Especially if you are traveling to a sunny surfing spot, don’t forget to pack your sunscreen. It will save you a lot compared to when you buy if from a surf shop on the beach. Get anything with SPF50 or more, but never under that range.

#8. Reusable Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is important while on the beach, which makes a reusable water bottle of the essential surfing items that you should pack. Instead of buying a water bottle every time you’re thirsty, you’ll save a lot if you can refill a reusable one. 

#9. Ding Repair Kit

Depending on where you are traveling to, there might be shops that repair dings. But in remote locations, packing a ding repair kit will be much more convenient. It’s not an expensive item, but it can also save you a lot of money and time than paying for repairs.

#10. Mini First Aid Kit

If you have a kit to fix minor dings, you also have to pack a mini first aid kit for when you suffer injuries or open cuts while at the beach. The kit should include pain relievers, ear and eye drops, insect repellant, antiseptics, and bandages, among others.

#11. Other Essentials

It’s not enough to only bring surfing gear and accessories. Before you go on a trip, don’t forget to pack basic beach essentials as well. Some of the common essential surfing items include a beach towel, change of clothes, sunglasses, hats, dry bag, international charger, and a waterproof camera to document your special moments while on the surf.

#12. Travel Documents

A complete list of essential surfing items inside your backpack or luggage won’t be as useful if you don’t have your travel documents with you. That is, by far, the most important thing that you should never forget to bring with you on a surfing trip. Whether you are traveling by car or boarding a plane, you have to secure your essential travel documents, such as your driver’s license, passport or ID, travel insurance, and your boarding pass, if applicable. 

If you are traveling to another country, don’t forget to bring your visa too. Also, make sure that your passport is still updated and valid. For several countries, you might also need a couple of vaccinations, so you have to bring documents for those as well.

Now that you’ve completed everything you need to pack for your trip don’t forget to include a positive attitude and a smile well. You’ll surely enjoy the world-class waves much better if you have all the essential surfing items with you.

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