What You Need When Starting a Volleyball Team

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Starting a new sport can be daunting if you feel unfit and don’t know anyone. One way to deal with this is by setting up your own sports team with friends. This can be informal and you don’t have to compete professionally. Instead, you can all improve your fitness together while having fun. If you decide to start a volleyball team, here are some of the things you will need.

Volleyball women Team

Volleyball nets

If you and your friends don’t have a regular space to practise, you could take it in turns to use each other’s gardens, or to rent a suitable space. For this, you will most likely need to consider Portable Volleyball nets. This makes it easier to practise wherever you find a suitable space.

Using the recommendations on Ace Volleyball, you can get the best portable net to suit you and your sports team. If none of you has a vehicle, something easy to transport is ideal. Alternatively, if you move around a lot, it’s not a good idea to opt for a net that takes a lot of time to set up. If you’re just starting to build up your fitness levels, you don’t want to be too exhausted before you even start playing.

Safety gear

Whether you’re a beginner or have been playing volleyball for a while, you will still find yourself on the ground more often than you would like. So it’s important to protect yourself with knee pads.

Ankle braces can also reduce your chances of spraining an ankle, which is a common injury sustained by volleyball players. Although you shouldn’t be put off by the chances of getting a sports-related injury, it’s important to protect yourself as much as possible. Then you can enjoy the game, knowing you’ve done all you can.

Water bottle

As with most other sports, volleyball is active and you’ll need to stay hydrated. Investing in a sports bottle will ensure you have cold water or juice to drink whenever you need it. This will prevent you from dehydrating, so you can focus your energy and attention on the game and improving your performance. Spending a little more on a sturdier bottle will avoid breakages if you accidentally drop it.

The right clothes

Depending on the weather and if you’re playing indoors or outdoors, you’ll want to stay warm but not so warm that you sweat excessively and are unable to concentrate or motivate yourself. So, if you feel cold at first, then you might want to wear a sweatshirt over a t-shirt. You’ll soon warm-up, then you can remove it. Alternatively, in summer, shorts and sports tops designed for hot weather will help you perform better.

Starting a volleyball team with your friends can be fun. If you’re prepared and get the right clothing, protective gear and accessories, you’ll all get the most of your chosen sport. The team can be informal, or you can look at ways of competing with other teams on a more professional level. It’s entirely up to you.

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