What You Should Know About Joint Replacement

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Generally, a joint replacement surgery is considered when there is severe damage to the joint, bones, surrounding muscles or tissues. It is recommended only after all other treatment options have failed. Surgical intervention is often the last resort in cases where the pain becomes too much or movements are severely restricted. When joints wear away with age or get inflamed due to injuries, stress or trauma, pain, stiffness and swelling are natural. Unfortunately, these problems worsen with time, and in many cases, surgery is required. Only a doctor can say whether the condition is severe enough to warrant a replacement surgery. Typically, doctors try alternative methods like medication, braces and aids. But, as a rule, if there is too much pain and if movement is highly restricted, surgery is indicated.

Total joint replacement Cincinnati with hips and knees continue to be on the rise along with, orthopedic surgeons.Seeing younger individuals where pain becomes unbearable and the replacement surgery is all that will give the patient relief. With the aging of the baby boomer the typical patient also is more active than previous generations causing an earlier incident of arthritis which can brought on quicker through previous injuries to your knees or hips. Not to long ago finding a surgeon that was willing to replace a joint when someone was in their forties or fifties was difficult but today more orthopedic surgeons are willing to recommend a replacement if conservative options such as physical therapy have been unsuccessful.

The term ‘Joint Replacement Surgery’ incorporates different types of surgery. The main types include knee and hip replacement but the term also referrers to wrist, ankle, foot, shoulder and elbow replacement surgery. The extent of your surgery will depend on the extent of the problem and severity of the arthritis.

The procedure for total joint replacement Cincinnati involves removing the damaged joint and then an artificial joint (either made of a metal alloy or ceramic) is put in place. This can either be cemented or non-cemented. Cemented means that the artificial joint has been fixed to the remaining bone with cement, and this is quite often used in older individuals as their ability to heal is more limited. Non-cemented joint replacements allow the bones to naturally grow around the replacement to fix it into place. This is generally used in cases where younger individuals or more active individual’s need joint replacements. This is because it can provide more flexibility and movement in the long term. However, with this method of joint replacement healing time may take considerably longer than a cemented joint replacement as the bones need the opportunity to grow.

In a hip replacement surgery, there is a total hip or partial hip replacement, also known as Hip Resurfacing, in which only part of the joint is replaced. When there is arthritis in the knee, if not severe the orthopedic may suggest a torn meniscus surgery or knee arthroscopy (relatively minor surgeries). If the arthritis is severe, a Partial Knee Replacement operation – also might be the solution. This less invasive knee replacement requires decreased healing time and is considered less painful. The total knee replacement includes the complete removal of the entire cartilage; the partial replacement removes only the damaged area of the cartilage. The rest of the joint replacement surgeries basically have similar options of partial and total joint removal and replacements.

Each patient responds to recovery and rehabilitation differently. Your surgeon will encourage you to not be afraid to use your new, replacement joint shortly after the operation. Although it is challenging to begin relying on your new joint for support, always follow your doctor’s instructions to expedite and promote a healthy recovery. You may be asked to engage in physical therapy for several weeks after your total joint replacement surgery, especially if your replacement involved the hip or knee. Long-term outcome for total joint replacement surgery is excellent, with most people enjoying their prosthetic replacement for up to 15 years, along with a better quality of life.

Beacon Orthopedics is home to many of the region’s leading joint replacement specialists and orthopedic physicians who are passionate about helping you reduce or cure joint pain and return to enjoying life. The sub-specialty trained orthopedic doctors understand how debilitating hip, shoulder, and knee pain can be. It is important to consult with a specialist to determine the best treatment option to relieve your joint pain. For more information visit our website: www.beaconortho.com.

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