Who Can Make a Personal Injury Claim for a Child?

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If your child has been injured, whether by accident or on purpose, you are within your rights to feel sad, angry, confused, and hurt. However, the steps to take following a child’s injury are different from that of an adult’s. Personal injury claims for children are unique in that they are unable to file for themselves. Instead, a parent or legal guardian must file for them. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at this and explain some of the steps involved.

Starting the Process

Personal injury cases for children are similar to cases for adults in that the same burden of proof applies, and the types of compensation they can claim for are the same. This means that as a parent or legal guardian, you will still need to prove that somebody else’s negligence caused the injury. Some of the things you may be expected to gather to prove this includes eyewitness testimonies, medical records, accident reports and more. Because of the amount of work involved in taking a personal injury case to court, most parents opt to hire a law firm such as Horst Shewmaker to do the work on their behalf.

Depending on the amount of harm caused to the child, you may be able to claim for medical care, damage and suffering, emotional harm, and lost wages (if applicable). Parents may also be able to claim additional expenses if their income has been harmed due to their child’s injury

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