Why People are Turning to Coffee Alternatives

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In a world where a Starbucks exists on practically every corner, there’s no need to make an argument in favor of coffee. This delicious brewed drink has been a staple of morning routines for generations, and it offers quite a few notable health distinctions in addition to providing a useful burst of caffeinated energy. 

But while there’s a lot to love about coffee, there are also plenty of substitutes on the market – and many of them are quite promising. Here’s why you should consider them.


Antioxidants play an important role in the internal regulation of our body, especially as we age. Free radicals build up in our body over time and are a major cause for everything from cancer to cardiovascular conditions. 

Coffee has a decent amount of antioxidants in its own right, but it’s overshadowed significantly by plenty of natural teas. Green tea offers the highest amounts of antioxidants, but black and white teas are good in this respect too. Mushroom powders are also known for their high levels of antioxidants. But giving up coffee doesn’t have to mean trading in the brew for a tea. There are plenty of formulas and coffee blends that mix together traditional ground coffee with powders and leaves meant to maximize antioxidant ingestion.


One of the most common complaints people have about their coffee is that it causes edginess and jitters. That’s thanks to the exceptionally high levels of caffeine. And caffeine uses a particularly unusual methodology for providing you with energy. It essentially blocks the receptors that tell our body that we’re tired, convincing it to push on well past the point of having the energy to do so. 

That can lead to anxiety and irregular sleep cycles. If you find yourself on edge or fixating on issues, moving to an alternative can help. You don’t need to ditch caffeine entirely, either. Many alternatives to coffee employ caffeine in conjunction with other, healthier methods for boosting energy levels.


You don’t have to swear off coffee entirely to try a coffee substitute. And as more people are getting used to work-at-home situations, the need for something that’s a break from the regular is a godsend. Mixing coffee alternatives into your morning routine will give you more options to work with and help you create a more versatile and varied diet. 

At the very least, they’re a great opportunity to experiment with new flavors. And fortunately, there’s a whole world of options out there. From sweet but potent protein drinks to herbal teas to milk seasoned with turmeric, there are plenty of interesting and delicious opportunities worth trying.

More Energy Overall

Caffeine offers one of the most effective ways to stay energized, but it can also become a crutch. When you use caffeine every day to get through the day, your body comes to expect that daily injection of caffeine to get up and moving, and you’ll begin to experience diminishing returns on your coffee’s potency. Moving alternatives into the rotation will help reduce the risk of dependency and make sure that your body considers caffeine to be a supplement rather than a necessity.

If you’re interested in trying a coffee alternative, you’re in luck. The market is bursting at the seams with compelling alternatives to coffee, and you can find them in practically any grocery store in the world. And as brands like MUD\WTR start developing formulas that pile on a load of health benefits, we could very well see a world where coffee is no longer the undisputed champion of morning drinks. If you know where to look, you’re sure to find a coffee alternative that’s perfect for you.

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