Why Regular Maintenance is Important for Roof Longevity

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Roof is probably the most important part of a stable home structure. Without a strong, healthy roof, you can’t count much on being protected from elements or even selling your home for a good price. 

Regular maintenance is key to every part of your house, by no means is the roof an exception. How often do you check it? Do you wait for a problem to occur to react? 

Whatever the case might be, I decided to talk to 619 Roofing and get some advice on what to focus on when trying to repair or upgrade the roof. Here’s what I learned.

Inspection Time

If you want to sell, assess minor breaks or perform a thorough investigation of the roof it is best to contact a professional. Their expertise will be more than enough to tell you what you should do, how much money you should spend, and whether it’s even worth renovating or investing in a new roof.

Replace, Don’t Pile

Putting new shingles over old ones? Sure, it sounds simple and quick, but don’t do that. A good analogy here is putting problems under a rug, or a shingle for that matter. Many underlying issues with your old roof aren’t going to be resolved, only postponed. 

Annoying leaks can be  covered with a new shingle but there’s the risk of the problem occurring again after a while. Also, you want an even surface on which you can instal fresh new shingles ready to withstand rain, heat, snow or just about any weather condition. 

The roof gains unnecessary weight, and it becomes much more difficult to detect leaks or breaks beneath a new cover.

Mind the Ventilation

Renovation is a perfect opportunity to pay more attention to ventilation. Bad ventilation can lead to a number of problems, from sheathing and rafting going rotten due to heat and humidity, to materials losing their functionality. Your house needs to be able to breathe, and a professional can help you out on this matter when you decide to renovate.

Proper Insulation

Good insulation keeps the heat inside your home during winter, but it also preconditions good air flow and ventilation. The attic floor should have a flat layer of insulation that’s going to help circulate the heat, but also prevent humidity from going up to the attic. There should also be room between roof sheathing and insulation foam to allow air to flow.

Regular Cleaning

You can usually forestall some major problems if you clean your roof regularly. Leaves, debris, algae, and moss make the roof look ugly, but can also cause parts of your roof to rot. This is especially important after bad weather. You can find a lot of stuff that flew onto the roof, but conducting an inspection to check if anything is broken is vital. Make sure you trim any trees with big branches that could damage your home during a windy day.

Repairs Shouldn’t Wait

Problems are not going to go away if you neglect them. Even worse if you never go up to check, you might find yourself dealing with expensive breaks that could have been avoided. Even though you don’t climb up often, a roof should never be taken for granted. 

If you want to improve quality of life within your home and extend longevity of the roof you need to react immediately when you notice something is wrong. You can always make up an excuse and leave maintenance for another day, which is ok because climbing up can be dangerous. 

Instead, schedule a visit from a roofer that’s going to help you out both in terms of potential and upgrades.

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