Why You Need a Wall Mounted AC System to Cool Your Home

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Wall-mounted air conditioners are popular for those that want to cool off specific areas in a home. It could be that you would like to cool the study room, bedroom, or even living room. In these cases, a wall-mounted AC is an excellent option.

Whether you prefer a portable one or one that is permanently installed on the wall, there are various advantages that you will enjoy. It is about making your space more comfortable when the weather is extreme. 

The Two Main Types of Air Conditioning Units

If you are planning to invest in a new air conditioner, you need to understand your options. Essentially, there are two types you can choose from. 

You can opt for a wall-mounted split system or a ducted conditioning system. There are many differences between the two that impact the installation and how they operate. 

What Is the Difference Between the Two Types?

Ducted air conditioner units are best placed in the ceiling or under the floor. They are designed with a large machine known as a singular indoor heat exchanger. It is what disperses warm or cool air in the required areas.

There is also an outdoor unit which consists of a condenser and a compressor. These two components work together to circulate cool air in the house.

This kind of air-con requires grilles and ducting running from the indoor unit to all the various rooms to supply the conditioned air. Also the outdoor and the indoor components need to be connected.

Due to the amount of work needed during installation, it can be a bit more expensive than its counterpart, the wall-mounted option.

On the other hand, there is a split or a multi-split system wall-mounted AC. Just like the name suggests, it can have one to five indoor units and one outdoor unit. 

It is the indoor units that circulate air in the house. To install a multi-split or split unit, a hole is drilled in the wall. It is to connect the outdoor and the indoor components. 

Price Influencing Factors

Wall-mounted air-cons have some kind of complexity that they come with. 

For instance, the ducted ACs involve installing grilles and ducts in the basement or loft. The process is complex as more materials are needed, it is labor-intensive and time-consuming. It is necessary if the air is to be circulated efficiently throughout the house. 

Split and multi-split systems are also complex in a way. The indoor units must be positioned strategically for effectiveness. The more indoor units, the more work of drilling and installing. 

Besides, the brand of the AC will also determine how much it costs. Reputable manufacturers are known for reliability and quality. Thus, the purchase price will cost more than the less known ones. 

How many rooms there are to cool / heat also determines the cost of installation and the amount of labor involved. Also, the system output has a significant role in the cost. The more powerful it is, the more money you will spend on it. 

Overall ducted air conditioners tend to be more expensive than split, multi-split, and portable systems.

Before Installation

There are electrical and wall requirements that are a must consider before you purchase the air con. It is a permanent climate control solution thus it must be carefully considered. 

This is one reason you should work with a professional. If you have already bought one, this will be even more important. 

The HVAC consultant will check the wall to ensure there is no electrical or plumbing component where you want the unit to sit. If they cut holes without checking, you might have to deal with repairing these damages.

When it comes to appropriate voltage, they will ensure the wiring meets the requirements. Your home’s and that of the system must match otherwise special wiring will be necessary.  

Pros and Cons of Wall Mounted Systems


Wall mounted aircons are effective in cooling small sections of a home. 

They do not interfere with the aesthetic appeal of the house. Also, they are installed on the wall and this means they do not block natural light or fresh air through the window.

Wall-mounted ACs ate more insulated than other small ones. They are also powerful in cooling the required area.

They save on space as they are not big. The other thing is that they are economical as they are designed in an energy-efficient way. 

They are affordable when it comes to both the initial and the running cost. You can invest in a reverse cycle unit that will cool and heat as required

They also tend to be quieter than portable systems. 


One thing to remember is that they are ideal for a small area or individual rooms, so they are not a good option for cooling your entire home.

A hole or hole has to be drilled on the wall. If you decide to do away with it, there will be a lot of work involved in removing it and sealing the hole. 

With restricted access, cleaning, servicing, and repairing them can be troublesome. 


Wall mounted AC systems provide a great way to cool or heat a room or small area of your home. Unless you are looking to climate control your entire home then these systems are a great option.

When looking to buy make sure you consult a professional installer first as they may offer expert advice based on your specific needs to help you purchase the best model for your needs.

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