Zulresso Could Be A Groundbreaking New Treatment For Postpartum Depression

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Postpartum Depression

Having a child is a life-changing experience that comes with many joys and surprises. After childbirth, in addition to all those feelings of wonder and amazement, it’s common to experience what’s known as “baby blues,” a short period of confusing feelings during a confusing time. After having a baby, many women will have trouble eating or sleeping, feel overwhelmed, have difficulty concentrating, or have feelings of sadness and anxiety. Baby blues usually last a few days to a few weeks and aren’t out of the blue at all. Some moms, however, will experience a longer-lasting depression, referred to as postpartum depression, or PPD.

PPD is a bit more intense than your typical baby blues, and can interfere with a mother’s ability to care for the child and handle daily life. This type of depression can begin during pregnancy and may last up to a year after childbirth. The symptoms of PPD can include:

  • Severe changes in appetite
  • Mood swings
  • Excessive fatigue or loss of energy
  • Panic attacks or extreme anxiety
  • Withdrawal from loved ones
  • Trouble sleeping or oversleeping
  • Difficulty bonding with the baby
  • Feelings of shame, guilt, or inadequacy

Postpartum depression is a common experience for new mothers, especially those with a history of depression or other risk factors. However, standard medical treatment options have been limited to typical antidepressants, which come with a variety of side effects and might interfere with breastfeeding.

Now, there is another treatment option for mothers experiencing PPD. FDA-approved in 2019, Zulresso is the first and only medicine developed specifically to treat postpartum depression. It has been clinically proven to reduce PPD symptoms immediately, with results that last 30 days or longer. Mothers can receive Zulresso at a certified clinic, such as Bespoke Treatment.

Zulresso (or brexanolone) is administered by a health professional via IV for 60 continuous hours, or about 2.5 days. That might sound intimidating, but the clinic will make sure you’re as comfortable as possible the entire time. And don’t worry, this doesn’t mean you have to leave your newborn at home. Zulresso is always administered in a baby-friendly setting, so mothers are encouraged to bring their children, along with a caretaker or family member, to help care for the kids during the treatment. The medical team will check on you regularly while you’re awake, and you can go home the same day the treatment ends.

Zulresso is completely safe, and doesn’t have any serious side effects. Common side effects include feelings of sleepiness, flushing of the skin or face, and dry mouth; these will all go away after the treatment ends.

For many mothers, this new treatment could be a more viable option for overcoming PPD. After childbirth, all mothers want to be able to connect with their baby and give it their full attention without feeling like they’re reaching a breaking point. It’s important that moms care for their mental wellbeing, for the baby’s sake, and for their sake. Now, Zulresso can give mothers the relief they need.

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