4 Tips and Tricks to Try to Improve Your Sleep Quality

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Improving your quality of sleep takes paying special attention to the sleep requirements that work for you. Not everyone will fall asleep to the same kinds of things, so finding the sleep aid tools that work for you is most important. In this article, we discuss four tips and tricks to improve your sleep quality with individual needs in mind.

  1. Sleep Environment and Light

When trying to improve your sleep, consider the sleep environment most effective for you. Some people enjoy keeping a nightlight, whereas others need total darkness to fall asleep. If you are someone who likes having a little bit of light as you sleep, consider investing in an oil diffuser that gives off dark-toned lights. The blue light that comes from the TV screen suppresses the melatonin that your body needs to produce in order to help you fall asleep. We recommend oil diffusers that do not utilize blue light. Go for shades of red, white, or purple to help you drift off without disturbing your natural sleep cycle. If you are someone who needs total darkness to fall asleep, consider wearing a sleep mask to block out excess light. We recommend anything in silk form, so your eyes stay comfortable as you drift off. If you don’t want to wear anything on your face but still need darkness to fall asleep, invest in blackout curtains instead. 

  1. Audible Sleep Solutions

If you’re someone who struggles with anxiety and likes to listen to guided meditations or music as you drift off, we recommend investing in a pillow speaker Bluetooth. You will be able to enjoy the sounds of the music or meditations without wearing bulky headphones or uncomfortable earbuds that might interfere with your comfort. Consider investing in some pillow spray to add a touch of aromatherapy to your sleep experience using a pillow speaker. All of these ideas are not only great for sleep, but for self-care as well.

  1. Perfect Temperature Sleep

If you’re someone who gets anxious while trying to fall asleep or tends to feel cold at night, purchase a weighted blanket. Weighted blankets have been shown to reduce anxiety by adding a layer of physical support that enhances feelings of safety and comfort in persons who experience chronic stress. If you run hot while sleeping, get cool bedding sheets. Many tech-driven sheet brands offer moisture-resistant technology that prevents night sweating. We recommend these quality bedding and sheets to maximize your sleeping comfort. 

full moon
  1. Visualization and Imagery Aids 

It’s comforting to look up at something peaceful. You’re never too old to purchase glow-in-the-dark stars to stick to your ceiling. If this feels too childish, you might consider purchasing a small projector to display images of stars instead. If neither of these ideas feels appropriate to you, consider practicing visualization techniques that allow you to escape into a starry night sky in your mind. Envisioning space and the night sky is a common mindfulness technique used in guided meditations to help people drift off to sleep. You can also visualize the ocean or another natural setting that invokes feelings of peace. To become proficient at visualization, practice Yoga Nidra techniques, especially those that utilize rapid visualization. The more you practice, the easier it will become to visualize images in your mind.

The Bottom Line

Getting a good night’s sleep requires trial and error, but your efforts will pay off once you find the tools and routines that work the best for you. Follow these suggestions for some helpful ideas on how to get started and you’ll be off to dreamland in no time.

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