5 Tips For A Healthy And Happy Pregnancy

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So, you are finally pregnant. It’s the moment that you were waiting for a long time and you are excited about the idea of becoming a mom. Usually, first-time pregnant women experience moments of unbridled happiness soon after moment of deep depression and vice versa during their first months of pregnancy.

Every Pregnancy Is Different Than Any Other

It happens more often with the first pregnancy because the woman is completely new to this experience. Pregnancy isn’t only a matter of motherhood and emotions about the new baby, but it’s also a physical experience that comes with several health issues, like nausea, fatigue, emotional confusion (as we’ve mentioned above), irresistible birthmarks, difficulty to fall asleep, along with many more. We should say that every single pregnancy is different than any other one. And this makes things a little more complicated because the new mom has to face different emotional and physical reactions at every new pregnancy.

Physical Activity And Sufficient Rest

Either you are an expert mom or a first-time mom, you already know some of the basic pregnancy advice about health, like not smoking, not drinking alcohol, doing physical activity, get enough rest. Once it was said that running, jogging, and playing sports during the pregnancy months was wrong for the baby’s health. However, recent studies showed that physical activity improves blood flow, muscular elasticity, strength, and it contributes to give the new mom an overall sensation of well-being. It all makes the baby’s best health, after all. Along with some physical activity, all new moms are recommended to get sufficient rest not only during night time but also in the day. You may read a book, handicraft items for your new baby, gardening, or you can watch TV or spend more time sending messages to your friends on social networks.

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Extra Health Tips For Your Pregnancy

If you talk to your doctor about being pregnant, he/she will surely give you a lot of pieces of advice about what to do, what to eat, what vitamins to take. But let’s make a practical table here of the most essential health tips for pregnant women:

  1. Prenatal vitaminsEven before getting pregnant, when you are trying to conceive, you should start taking prenatal vitamins. If you didn’t, don’t worry because you are still on time. During the first months of pregnancy, your baby’s neural cord starts developing. Taking vitamins with folic acid, calcium, and iron helps your baby develop correctly. You can get such vitamins at most drug stores or you can ask your doctor for more specific vitamins.
  1. ExerciseThat’s what we were talking about in the previous lines. Staying physically active is fundamental. So, take your time and start doing exercise. It helps you release the tension and stress, control your weight, improve your cardiovascular system, and even sleep better. In particular, there are specific pregnancy-dedicated classes that you may want to join. As an alternative, you can plan 20-30 minutes walking every day or if you like swimming, you can practice physical movement in the water. Considering the journey after pregnancy, many new mothers look into weight loss after pregnancy, and Pregnant Health offers insightful tips and realistic expectations for postpartum recovery.
  1. Childbirth classIn recent years, childbirth classes multiplied all through the world. Although it’s not your first baby, you can always decide to join a childbirth class to help you get well prepared for your baby’s delivery. During the class, you’ll also learn about child care, hygiene, nutrition, and you can ask your questions and dissipate any concerns.
  1. Eliminate toxins You need to eliminate toxins from your daily life. Toxins influence your baby’s health and can become the origin of defects, miscarriages, and any other problems. First of all, eliminate cigarettes and avoid being in the nearby of people while they’re smoking. Forget drinking alcoholic beverages or taking any form of drugs.
  1. Eating habitsWhen it comes to toxins, it’s the case to mention food and nutrition, as well. Fatty foods, fast-food meals, sugary foods, or beverages should be avoided like a plague by everyone, especially by pregnant women. Drink water, replace fatty foods with more fruits and vegetables, replace bread or pasta with rice. Make sure to eat enough fish and cheese, but don’t overdo with meat.

Remember that as your belly grows in size, you shouldn’t lift heavy weights, use chemicals, do physically demanding activities. Your daily routine has to adjust to your new physical conditions.

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  1. […] are different from birth defects, as birth defects usually develop within the first three months of pregnancy while a birth injury usually occurs at the time of […]

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