Being a working mom isn’t an easy task that one can handle. Apart from worrying about performing well at work, you also need to ensure that you provide the best care for your children, allowing them to grow healthy and strong. With the things you have to carry on your shoulders, you might not know how to balance them well.
If you’re a mother with young children, expect the challenges to be more difficult, especially since they need infinite care and attention. While you might want to be a full-time mom, it may be impossible, especially if your family relies on you to bring food to the table. With that, listed below are the tips for working moms with young children:
- Consider Child Care
When you need to leave for work, you can’t expect your young children to survive on their own, especially if they still haven’t learned to do any independent tasks. With that, bringing them to a child care service would be helpful as you can rely on someone responsible to take care of your child while you’re gone. Along with this, you’re also giving your child social interactions to play with other kids around their age.
While finding child care in QLD or whichever area you’re in may be challenging and daunting, since it’s a big move that your family must make, it can help ensure that you keep your child safe and secure as you leave for work. Just ensure that you look for the best and reputable service in your area so you can be at peace as you leave your child for the day.
If you’re looking for more flexible and personalized care, another option is to consider an au pair. Services like au pairs can connect you with live-in au pairs who provide reliable childcare in the comfort of your home. This allows for more individualized attention for your child and offers flexibility, as au pairs can support your family’s specific needs, whether it’s during work hours or even when you just need some time for yourself.
- Consider Working From Home
If you’re working in an office-based setting, ask your supervisors if they can allow you to work from home, as there’ll be no one to look after your young children. Ideally, you should propose a good plan before bringing it up to your supervisor. You may need to set up a good working area in your home to work at peace. Along with this, you also need to ensure that you have every necessity to work remotely, such as a reliable internet and electricity connection, including headsets and webcam for video meetings.
If your supervisor didn’t allow you to work from home, there are plenty of companies that can offer that to their employees. If you’re willing to switch companies, it should be an option that you should consider as it’ll allow you to work and be with your child at the same time. While it may be challenging at first, building a good routine will help you get the hang of it.
- Spend Time After Work
Every time you finish working, you should set the remaining hours you have to be with your children and catch up with how their day went. You can strike up a short conversation about what happened and how they felt about it. In this way, they won’t think that you’re missing out too much as you try to make time to listen and bond with them.
Apart from initiating a conversation, now is also the best time to play, prepare, and teach your child anything they need to learn. It could be re-practicing their alphabets, instructing them how to write, educating them about good oral hygiene, and more. If you have enough energy, it would also be a great time to prepare their meals to make up for the hours you’re away.
- Do Important Things While They’re Asleep
Since your children already miss you as you’re out for the entire day, you should try to skip on doing non-child stuff in front of them and just wait until they’ve fallen asleep. In this way, they won’t feel that you’re not looking at them as your priority, especially when you’re on your phone and computers all the time. Whenever you can bond with your child, do so. It’ll only take a few minutes of your day that your child would surely appreciate.
If you have any urgent things to do, try to do them when your kids aren’t around. You wouldn’t want your kids to have an impression that your work is a bigger priority than them, making them feel unwanted and sad. With their emotional minds, they won’t understand that what you do is for them as they’ll value what’s there for them.
- Don’t Forget Family Day
During the weekend, always make it a family day wherein you spend the whole day together and nothing else. It could be watching their favorite films, baking a fresh batch of cookies, going for a swim at the beach, or visiting their grandparents. While it might be tempting to check up on work, refrain from doing so as it could only affect you and your children’s mood.
In this time, you should make your child feel wanted and as your priority. By spending the whole day with them and leaving any distractions behind, they’ll be happy as they get to spend time with their favorite person.
Being a working mom is challenging, especially that you need to balance plenty of things. As you leave for work, ensure that your kid’s wellbeing and happiness should be your priority. In this way, they won’t feel neglected and unloved, which they can develop as they grow older. There’s nothing hurtful with spending a few minutes with them a day.

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