6 Reasons Organizations Need to Invest in Employee Education

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As the nature of work continues to evolve, so do the skills that employees need to succeed in today’s competitive times. That’s where employee training comes in. Whether you’re a start-up entrepreneur or the head of a large corporation, you must take time to invest in employee training. 

Keep reading to learn more about the reasons to prioritize employee training and why it is essential for your business’s success.

  1. Fosters positive work culture 

Who does not want to work in a positive and supportive environment? A positive work culture encourages employees to take risks and think outside the box, leading to innovative ideas, processes, and strategies that can give the organization a competitive edge. Employee training is a powerful tool for instilling a positive work culture within your organization.

By providing resources to expand their intellectual horizons, you’re showing your employees that you’re focused on their career development. It can go a long way in promoting loyalty, trust, and skill development, all of which are essential for a positive and productive work culture.

  1. Retains top talent 

Organizations should go above and beyond to hold on to their best employees. After all, employees are the backbone of every successful enterprise, and losing even a few key players can have a devastating effect. But how can you ensure that your highly talented employees stick around for the long haul? Again, the answer rests with employee training. 

Employees gain a better sense of their value through learning and development programs, especially online ones, as it allows for better work and time management. To that end, it’s best to offer in-demand programs, like the UNCW online MBA, that instill essential business skills alongside developing essential employee competencies.

It bears worth mentioning that employees hardly participate in cookie-cutter training programs. To boost their participation, you will have to come up with innovative ideas. For example, gamification is a fun and engaging way to learn new skills. You can use game-like elements such as points, badges, and leaderboards to create a sense of competition and engagement among your employees.

Plus, incentives also motivate employees to participate in training. You may offer rewards such as gift cards, company merchandise, or extra time off for completing training programs. Be sure to highlight continuous training prospects during the onboarding process. That way, new hires will feel encouraged and motivated to grow from the very beginning.  

  1. Boosts productivity 

Well-documented research recently found that 80% of workers agree that training and development programs tailored to their unique roles make them more productive. But how exactly does training lead to increased productivity? Training and development activities enable employees to hone new skills and techniques that allow them to perform their job more efficiently. Eventually, this leads to higher quality work in less time. 

Another way that training can boost productivity is by improving employee engagement. When employees feel like they’re growing in their roles, they’re more likely to be invested in their work and perform efficiently. A report by the Association for Talent Development revealed that companies with comprehensive training programs have 218% higher income per employee than those without them.  

  1. Promotes adaptability 

Adaptability is the ability to adjust and thrive in the face of change. Business success and longevity depend heavily on a company’s capacity to change. Take the example of retail stores during the pandemic. With social distancing measures in place, many retailers were forced to close their physical stores and shift to online sales. Businesses that shifted to online models could adapt quickly and capture market share. On the other hand, businesses that did not invest in eCommerce and stayed stagnant struggled to compete.

It shows that the capacity to pivot quickly, embrace new ideas, and adjust to new circumstances can be the difference between sinking or swimming in the competitive business world. Training employees is one of the best ways to encourage adaptability. By providing employees with the essential skills and knowledge to succeed in a transforming environment, organizations can ensure that they’re equipped to tackle new challenges. 

  1. Reduces the need for supervision 

Many small businesses lack the budget to hire a supervisor. Consequently, business owners have to undertake this job. As a supervisor, you have to be responsible for overseeing the work of your team. You will spend a fair chunk of your day checking in on your team, answering their questions, and ensuring every workplace activity runs smoothly. But supervision may also impact employee productivity. When employees feel like they’re being micromanaged or scrutinized too closely, it can be demotivating and discouraging. 

Fortunately, employee training eliminates the need for supervision. When employees are trained on best practices, policies, and procedures, they work more independently and make informed decisions. And this not only saves time for supervisors but also improves organizational efficiency. Employees who are given more freedom and responsibility ultimately produce better results because they feel more invested in their work.

  1. Complements Performance Appraisals

Performance appraisals are a great tool for businesses to evaluate employee efficiency and identify areas where employees could benefit from additional training or development. For instance, let’s say an employee struggles with a particular aspect of their job, such as project management or communication skills. By conducting a performance appraisal, their manager can identify this area for improvement and devise a plan for employee training tailored to their specific needs. 

The benefits of such training are two-fold. Employees can work more resourcefully, make fewer mistakes, and improve their overall performance by improving their skills in a particular domain. Secondly, the business benefits from having an employee better equipped to handle the demands of their job are plenty and lucrative. 


While robots might be on the horizon, they’re not the be-all and end-all. So, the key to success lies in offering continuous, relevant, and on-demand employee training and development that equips workers with the relevant skills. With change happening all around us, it is more important than ever to remain ahead of the game and prioritize employee training. Organizations can ensure success in today’s competitive business environment by investing in employee learning and development. 

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