8 Benefits of Using a Baby Carrier

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Baby Carrier

Babies are the most at ease and calm when their mothers are carrying them. Babywearing or using a baby carrier is a great way to expand the initial bonding experience with all family members.

For several years, your baby will be completely dependent on you for care, comfort, and security, which doesn’t leave much time for anything else. Many new mothers claim that they would give anything for an extra pair of hands. When you use a baby carrier, you can kill two birds with one stone; give your child the comfort they need but stay free to tackle other tasks.

Dads, alternate parents, and older siblings can also benefit from using a baby carrier. Without the weight and complications of a stroller, a baby carrier is an easy and enjoyable way to transport your child. Child carriers like those from Diono are stylish, affordable, and easy to use. Let’s take a closer look at some of the impressive benefits of using a baby carrier.

Less Fussing

Babies that are tightly secured tend to be less fussy. Pair that bundled feeling with the security of being held by a loved one, and you could have a very happy and rarely fussy baby on your hands. A happier baby is a child that is easier to handle and communicate with for parents and family members. Babies that are transported in a carrier are more likely to fall asleep and get the crucial naps that they need to foster healthy growth.

Bonding Tool

Moms have the advantage of nine months of biological bonding with their children that other parents don’t get. When dads, alternative partners, and siblings use a child carrier, they have the opportunity to create those bonds.

An infant being held close to the body will pick up on identifying characteristics like pace, smell, facial expressions, voice, and heartbeat. These physical cues act as informational tidbits that help to deepen bonds between the wearer and the child.

Healthy Learning

Most families that choose to take advantage of baby carriers start with a body-facing sling or wrap for infants. These hold your child very close to the body in more of a feeding position that brings the child the most security and comfort. As a child grows, families often switch to a forward-facing carrier worn on the back or the front of the body.

Riding in a front-facing carrier is a great learning opportunity for babies. Content children are constantly and quietly observing everything that is going on around them. Facing forward is a chance for babies to discover the world and the people around them. Your baby carrier can help you to interact with your child by talking and pointing out interesting things to them.

This added interaction with the environment can help to stimulate the growth of your child’s brain. The first experiences with sounds, light, touch, and reading emotional cues are an important part of the development process.


For busy new parents, just the thought of getting out a clumsy stroller and heading out for some exercise with your child is enough to make you feel exhausted. If you are trying to increase your exercise routine to get rid of extra pregnancy weight, putting on a baby carrier is super easy and quick. The added weight of carrying your child will increase the value of your workout more effectively than pushing a stroller. When you use a baby carrier, you don’t have to wait for your baby to be napping, or get a babysitter so that you can hit the gym or go out for a walk.


The two most important things that new parents need are flexibility and freedom. Caring for a new baby is more than a full-time job. When you use a baby carrier, you can take care of many of your normal household chores without putting down your child.

Go to the grocery store, fold laundry, vacuum, care for your older children, and exercise all while wearing your child. You can go anywhere and do just about anything when you take advantage of having your hands free with a baby carrier.

Improved Milk Production

The body-to-body contact that you get when you use a carrier can help new mothers to maximize their milk production. The closeness of your baby to your skin helps to release oxytocin in the body, which is largely responsible for the production of milk.

If you are a breastfeeding mom, you will be able to regulate your feeding routine and even feed your baby while you are carrying them. Body-facing sling carriers are a great tool to help you feed your baby while keeping them in the right position and still getting the privacy that you need.

Affordable Transport

There is nothing more time-consuming than standing in a parking lot trying to wrench a stroller out of your trunk and unfold it while your child is getting fussy, just to do a few groceries. When you choose to embrace a child carrier, it only takes seconds to get your baby secured in place and hit the road. Slings and child carriers cost only a fraction of the cost of a modern stroller. If you want more money for your diaper budget and the convenience of a quick traveling solution, you can’t go wrong with a baby carrier.


It may only take seconds for an assailant to nab a child out of an unwatched stroller or for a car to strike a wandering toddler in a parking lot. When you use a child carrier, your baby is secure and out of danger from traffic and strangers.

The other side of security is the sense of well-being that being transported in a baby carrier will give your child. The closeness will make them feel safer and more secure, especially when they are discovering new and startling things in their world.

New parents are always looking for helpful tips to make their lives easier. With the ability to keep their hands free and their child close, parents can enjoy more time with their older children and create unbreakable bonds with their new arrivals. Consider these benefits of using a child carrier with your bundle of joy.

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