Car and Home Preparation Tips for Expecting Parents

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A woman smiling at the baby.

Preparing for the birth of your new baby can be both exciting and daunting with so many ways new parents need to prepare. You need to prepare both the home and the car. Babies are fully dependent on mom and dad, which means that without babyproofing the family’s home and car, accidents can occur.

Many parents are unknowingly securing their child in the car seat incorrectly. This can lead to death if there is a car accident. We’ll go over these safety tips, including safe sleep advice, car seat advice, and more.

Make sure you know what the car seat and insurance laws in your state are, as the insurance laws in Ohio will differ from those in Texas, for instance.

Finding the Best Car Seat for Your Baby

In the United States, it is the law that all infants need to be in a car seat while in a vehicle. Luckily, there are many types of car seats to choose from.

One important thing to watch out for is the expiration date of the car seat. Make sure the date hasn’t passed, and keep an eye on the date to get a good idea of how much safe usage you’ll get out of it.

Don’t buy a used car seat, as you can’t be 100% certain about the nature of its previous use. Car seats that have been in accidents are supposed to be thrown away and never used for another child. Chico, Graco, and Doona are some popular brands with car seats that rate well for safety.

Proper Usage of the Car Seat

Make sure your baby fits in the car seat so they can be properly secured and as safe as possible. Make sure your baby meets height and weight requirements. These will be listed on the car seat’s label.

Adjust the harness straps so they fit your baby correctly. Ensuring the harness straps fit well will keep your baby safe during car rides and greatly reduce the likelihood of injury in an accident.

When your baby is a newborn, they will be in a rear-facing car seat, and harness straps should be just below or between the baby’s shoulders, not above. The buckles also need to fit your baby snugly.

There is also a crotch strap on the buckle that should be as close to the baby’s body as possible. If the crotch strap is too loose, it’ll be easy for your baby to slouch. A slouching baby may have trouble breathing while in the car seat.

A baby sleeping peacefully.

Safe Sleeping Preparation

It’s vital that babies sleep in their cribs safely. Safe sleep practices can help reduce the risk of SIDS and other injuries.

Babies should never sleep on their stomachs. They should only sleep on their backs. They should not have blankets, bumpers, or toys in their cribs with them. These could smother your baby and lead to suffocation. Their sleep surface should never be too soft, either, to prevent slouching and other breathing difficulties.

General Home Safety Tips

If your baby is coming soon, make sure your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are working. This is also a good time to begin planning for any home renovations you may need to do.

Since your baby will start crawling faster than you may think, place outlet covers over your outlets. And even though your baby isn’t crawling or walking yet, it might be time to buy those baby gates so you have them when you need them.

Have emergency numbers always in view, not just for you but for any babysitters you may hire. Place these where they are easily in view, such as in the kitchen on the front of the refrigerator.

Bringing home a new baby is an exciting time, and expecting parents need to take the time to properly prepare all aspects of their lives and homes to safely care for baby.

Luke Williams writes and researches for the auto insurance comparison site, His passions include writing about parenthood, baby safety, and other ways parents can enjoy peace of mind.

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