Choosing The Perfect Name For Your Child 101

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Finding the best name for your child will not be easy, especially when there are so many options to consider. In fact, there are over 29 million unique first names on Earth, so a person would be forgiven for not knowing where to start with selecting their child’s name. Fortunately, there are a number of tips which can help a person narrow down the choice. Before diving into those tips, though, it’s key to look at whether or not a person’s name actually makes a difference in factors of their life.

Does A Person’s Name Truly Matter?

Perfect Name for Your Child 101

At the end of the day, the question of whether or not a person’s name actually matters in the long run remains unanswered for many people. However, scientists decided to put this to the test by running experiments to see how a person’s name impacted their life down the road (on average). A person’s name can actually have an effect on factors such as:

  • The profession a person chooses to pursue
  • The intelligence level others perceive a person to have
  • The life choices a person makes on their path
  • The physical appearance a person chooses for themselves
  • The behavior that a person exhibits on a daily basis
  • The respect others give towards the person with the name

Be sure to keep in mind the fact that all of the above are simply averages for people with certain names and they are, by no means, the law for people with those names. A person can make anything of themselves despite their name, but the above just serve as generalities.

5 Tips For Choosing The Right Name For Your Child

With so much potentially riding on the choice of name for your child, it’s only natural to ensure you are picking the best name possible for your kid. To assist with this task, it’s beneficial to learn the five primary tips for naming your child:

1.   Check What The Initials Will Look Like

One thing many soon-to-be parents forget to do when tossing around potential names for a child is check how the initials will look on a name. For perspective, a family may be considering the name Robert for their child, but if their last name is Hernandez and they do not like the initials RH, then choosing Robert Hernandez for a name is out the window.

2.   Double Check For Hidden Meanings Of The Name

Always remember that the majority of names actually have meaning behind them as opposed to just being words. It’s important to look up the meaning of a name you are considering to ensure that meaning is something you approve of, as there are also stigmatized names that are important to recognize.

3.   Avoid Naming Your Child After A Passing Trend

In the modern day of technology and social media, more and more people choose to name their kids based off of a passing trend. Unfortunately, these trends are more for popularity as opposed to something else, which means the names aren’t likely to be mainstream. While a unique name can certainly be good, one that is so out of left field can cause a lot of questions and stress for a child in their early years.

4.   Look At Your Family Line To Find Ideas

One quick and easy way to find potential names for your child is to simply look at your family line in order to see what people who have come before you have been named. This can help a person draw cultural and familial inspiration for the name choice, which may be enough to settle on a name for some people.

5.   Consider What The Nicknames Would Look Like


Similar to looking at the initials that come with a first and last name, it’s important to also look at what potential nicknames might be for a child. For example, the name Greyson may be an ideal name for some, but they may not like the idea of their child being called ‘Grey’ for short.

Find A Name That Resonates With You Today

Choosing a name for your child will never be easy considering how many options are out there, but rest assured knowing that there is truly no wrong choice of name. So long as the name you pick resonates with you and your loved ones, it is a good choice. With that said, use all of the above tips to narrow down the potential options you are considering so that your child can have a name which everyone loves.

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