Five Nifty Tips for Mothers Seeking Jobs in the Market

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Working woman

Motherhood can demand several sacrifices and compromises from you throughout your lifetime. We know that every mom’s life is very different before and after having a baby, but the biggest change seems to show up in the form of professional life taking a pause. Be it for a month or a few years, a gap in professional experience was not a welcome streak in an individual’s resume until a few years ago. Thankfully, times have changed, and the industry is keen on welcoming back professionals with gaps in their careers, especially mothers. If you’re a mama who wishes to re-enter the job market, there are things you need to cross off your list first! To ensure that you get hired on the spot and transition seamlessly, here are five things to take care of first.

1) Brush Up on Your Skills: No matter how long you’ve been away from the desk, it’s always a good thing to touch base with your past work and present changes in the industry. Be it three months or six years, a gap in your professional practice can make you miss out on several industrial changes that may have occurred over that time. For instance, technology keeps getting updated and you may not be familiar with the new interface of an application you were familiar with. Sign up for free lessons and courses to catch up on your industry’s latest happenings so that you can present your skills well in the interview.

2) Keep your Profile Updated: Your resume is your biggest piece of asset apart from your skills. But before you can show the hirers what you’re built of, your resume will be the salesperson bringing you new opportunities. Use the latest template that is relevant to your industry and its standards to spruce up your professional experience. Having your documentation in line also is an important step, so if you can’t find your college degree in a rush, buy a fake diploma with your exact scores as a physical copy till you find the original.

3) Ensure That You Transition Smoothly: There are several things you need to plan before you take up your job because it means a change in your lifestyle again. Try planning your schedule, childcare, and spousal duties so that the transition is seamless. If you need the help of your partner to pull some weight off your shoulders, talk to them. Also, talk to your kids about your work and what it means so that they are comfortable with the switch.

4) Highlight Your Parenting Skills: Highlight all the skills that make you an amazing person to work with so that the gap in work feels easily compensated. For moms, raising young is your superpower, so why not use it in your interview? A gap in the profession does not mean that you never stopped working. Your life priorities shifted to the new responsibilities of raising a young human who will soon be an accountable adult.

5) Use the Power of Social Media: If you’re looking for opportunities but can’t find many that match your liking, try surfing through professional social media. LinkedIn is a great networking place for moms as there are many support groups offering great working opportunities to moms wanting to work again.

Wrapping Up

If you set your journey up well and plan things through, you’ll have an amazing job in no time. We hope this blog helps in bringing your best foot forward!

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