Is a Naturopathic Doctor a Real Doctor?

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To qualify as a medical doctor in a specific field requires precise qualifications, and although Naturopathic Doctors may not be recognized in the mainstream as medical doctors, they share almost everything in common, and they are doctors in their capacities. For instance, while Medical Doctors attend Medical School, Naturopathic Physicians attend a four-year accredited graduate-level school where they study primarily similar coursework with Medical Doctors. They are also required to take a certification board exam upon graduation to qualify for a practice license. Other than academic qualifications, being a doctor requires other subjective non-academic traits within a person. They include an inherent motivation for science, a commitment to helping others, the ability to handle stress by working under pressure, and many more, which are synonymous with naturopathic doctors.


A Brief History of Naturopathic Medicine in North America

Naturopathic medicine was first introduced to North America from Germany by Dr. Benedict Lust in 1896 and had been significantly established in Canada by 1920. Before that, naturopathy had been a widespread practice popular across Europe. Naturopathic medicine is deeply rooted in the principle of “the healing power of nature” as its driving force. This ancient principle was coined about 2400 years ago by Hippocrates, a celebrated Greek philosopher. Ontario became the first province in Canada to draft laws regulating the practice in 1925, with others following. The growth of naturopathy took a dip after the 2nd world war due to the advent of advanced surgical procedures and the rapid growth of pharmaceutical companies.

Naturopathic Medicine Vs. Modern Medicine

As stated earlier in this article, naturopathic and conventional medicine have a lot in common. Their rigorous training qualifies both as doctors and primary caregivers. So, what sets them apart? The main distinguishing features of the two lie in their approach to treatment in general through the different therapies and guiding philosophy. While the conventional medical doctor treats the symptoms of a disease by using pharmaceuticals and surgery, a naturopathic doctor focuses on treating the person as a whole. They firmly believe that a person transcends the symptoms they show, and their overall well-being involves bringing together all the aspects that make up a person; the mental, physical, and emotions.

An excellent example of how a person’s mental, physical, and emotional aspects are linked is the naturopathic view and treatment of anxiety. Chronic anxiety can take its toll on various parts of a person’s body; it can affect sleep patterns, disrupt a person’s memory, lead to stress and weight gain, and reduce their energy levels. Naturopathic medicine seeks to address and treat a condition and its potentially linked subsequent ailments.

Categories of Naturopathy Practitioners

Many people from all walks of life have a keen interest and support for naturopathic practices in health institutions, community centers, and many more. Practitioners of naturopathy vary and are classified according to their education and backgrounds. There are 3 main universally recognized categories;

Naturopathic Doctors (ND)

They are also referred to as Naturopathic Physicians (NP). They undergo intensive training involving naturopathy and other related sciences offered in medical schools such as nutrition and psychology. To qualify as a Naturopathic Doctor, one must undergo a 4 year accredited graduate-level school which involves over 4,000 hours of instruction and 1,200 hours of hands-on practice. They require licensing from relevant boards before practice. In Ontario, the College of Naturopaths of Ontario oversees Naturopathic Doctors and ensures that comprehensive standards of practice are met.

Traditional Naturopathy Healers

They do not attend any accredited naturopathic medical school, nor are they licensed. Their training and education vary and depend on their focus areas.

Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare professionals like doctors, chiropractors, dentists, and nurses may also train in naturopathic medicine and may employ a blend of both approaches in their treatment regimes. 

It’s always crucial to inquire about a naturopathic doctor’s training and accreditation before settling for a treatment procedure from them.

Naturopathic Medicine Popularity Today

There has been a constant resurgence of rejuvenated interests in naturopathic medicine over the last 2 decades across Canada and the world owing to its strong and maintained stance on whole-body natural treatment and preventative health care practices. Naturopathic doctors are increasingly getting more recognition as professionals in their fields and have become quite influential within the healthcare system. More and more Canadians are turning to naturopathic medicine as an effective way of meeting their healthcare needs. With the constant emergence of a growing body of research crediting the efficacy of naturopathic therapies, it’s just a matter of time before naturopathic medicine shifts from being viewed as an alternative medicine to mainstream medicine.  

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