Moving Into An Older Building: Top Things To Fix

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Moving houses is an exciting time, however, there are also a lot of things to think about in the midst of it all. This is especially true if you are moving into an older building, as there will inevitably be some things that need to fix or altered. Some things will be more pressing than others and this post will go through the top things you need to fix if you are moving into an older building. 

  1. Fix Plumbing System

First and foremost, you should locate your water vale so you can be ready to turn off the water in case any big leaks occur. Replacing a plumbing system in its entirety can be quite a complex and challenging process, so depending on its condition, you may want to consider using repairs to restore the system. Comprehensive maintenance is a preferable route, and you will want to get in some professionals to help guide you on how to do this. 

  1. Replace Electrical Outlets

Chances are if you are moving into an older building you will have to replace the electrical outlets in your new home. This is because if they are old or malfunctioning they can be a potential fire hazard. While this is unlikely, it is still important to treat it seriously, because at the very least you are always going to need your plug sockets to work anyway. The process of replacing electrical outlets can be tricky and seeking professional help is advisable as, otherwise, you will be personally dealing with the source of electricity in your home. You do not want to damage the circuit in the house, or worse still, hurt yourself. 

  1. Fix Any Old Smoke Alarms

Depending on how old the building is, some of the batteries in the smoke alarms may not have been changed for a long time. It can be easy to dismiss changing batteries as a key thing to do when moving into a new home, but you really should make this a priority when you move in, you do not want to be taking any chances with this. Additionally, if you feel like your home could do with more fire alarms, there are plenty of online guides available to walk you through how to fit a fire alarm. Doing so will give you more peace of mind and protection against fire hazards.

  1. Repair Unstable Flooring

While having original flooring can be beautiful to look at, it is not always the safest option. If your flooring feels loose, rotten, or uneven, you might want to consider replacing it or trying to treat it. Don’t forget about flooring on staircases. Depending on the extent of the damage, you may be able to repair and restore the original flooring. You should have a good idea after a short while of living there as to exactly what needs to be done regarding your new home’s flooring.

Flooring is one of those repairs that you want to do sooner rather than later because as time goes on you will only gather more furniture and things in your home which will then make it harder to get access and repair the floor. 

  1. Replace Old Locks 

Replacing old locks is important for several reasons, firstly, you do not know who also has previously had a key cut for your old home and whether or not they made copies. Secondly, older locks tend to be less secure, so while it may cost you to do so, it is a worthy investment as it can prevent any security issues further down the line. Not every lock in your home has to be changed, you will want to target the front door, back door, and ground floor windows as those are the ones that carry the most risk of burglary. 

  1. Check For Rot

This is a more general problem, and will not be exclusive to one area. If you have wooden flooring, stairs, decking, and so on, you ought to check these areas for rot. Rotting wood can be very dangerous as it can cause the wood to collapse at any given moment. This is especially dangerous in outdoor areas, for example, outdoor wooden stairs that take you down into the garden. If these stairs collapse while you or someone else is on them, it could lead to serious injury. 

While this may seem like a lot to take in, consider these six top things to fix as priorities, compared to any other repairs and alterations you have to do in your new home. These top five things act as the foundation for which you can build your home upon and so you should take the time to do them properly. 

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