Separation Anxiety in Pets and Pet Owners: A Guide for Fur-Parents

Separation anxiety is a condition where one experiences a wave of negative emotions from being physically away from the subject of his affection. Although this has been widely discussed in human-to-human relationships, it is also present in households with pets. As a dog owner, your responsibility goes beyond just calling yourself a �pet parent.� You can't just buy your dog a tag and go on about your life the way it was before you took him in. You have to be invested in pet care for the lo … [Read more...]

The Signs and Symptoms of Depression in Young Adults: A Helpful Guide

Despite the stigma associated with depression, more people have this mental disorder than you might realize. In fact, over 264 million people in the world suffer from depression. It impacts people of all ages, too, including young adults. Everyone feels a little down at times. Major depressive disorder, however, can change your life. You might notice you've lost interest in the hobbies you once loved or people you care about. Are you worried that you or a loved one is suffering from … [Read more...]

What Does it Feel Like to Have a Panic Attack? A Useful Guide

In any given year, over 2.4 million people worldwide deal with symptoms associated with panic disorder.  Life, in general, can make anyone feel on edge, but panic attacks involve more than feeling anxious. Sometimes it's challenging to differentiate between panic and normal reactions to living life in a fast-paced world. What does it feel like to have a panic attack? Read today's post and explore the symptoms most often felt during a panic attack. What Is the Difference Between … [Read more...]

Best Value CBD Oils for Pain and Anxiety

If you're experiencing pains and/or anxiety, CBD may be a treatment that you haven't tried yet. If you're unfamiliar with CBD, it is a cannabinoid that occurs naturally in Cannabis plants. Research on the substance is gathering pace, but early results show promising evidence that CBD products are an excellent remedy for pain and anxiety.  In stark contrast to THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) which is another cannabinoid, CBD doesn't have any psychoactive side effects. This means you wouldn't … [Read more...]

13 Ways to Say Bye to Your Mom Anxiety This New Year

No one ever said it was easy to be a mom... but no one ever warned you about the anxiety of it all, either. It comes with the territory � you love your kids, and you don't want anything to happen to them. But worrying about their every move? It's not good for your mental or physical health. Anxiety can cause breathing problems, headaches, muscle aches, fatigue, and depression, among other side effects. So, let's make 2020 the year you ditch your mom anxiety, once and for all. Here are 1 … [Read more...]

Health 101: Helpful Ways on How to Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety affect us all; whether it's daily stress at work or your relationship, we've all been there. Stress is a part of life that we can all experience and it sometimes takes a toll on our well-being and peace of mind.  While we cannot control the trigger or the circumstances, we definitely can control how we respond to stress and anxiety.  Here are some helpful ways to relieve them.  Exercise  Exercising is one of the most important things that help in the relief of stress … [Read more...]

Top Reasons Why You Should See a Therapist

Many people have lots of misconceptions about people who go to therapy sessions. The truth is, there is a lot more going on than sitting on a chair and airing out all your issues to a health expert. People who attend therapy sessions are often judged, thus creating a stigma, which makes it harder for others to seek help when necessary. Nowadays looking for a qualified therapist is relatively easy. You can visit website resources and forums and book an appointment at your … [Read more...]

How CBD Oil Helps With Carb And Sugar Cravings

CBD oil can help with cravings because of the way that it helps to manage a lot of parts of you. This is something that you can use when you would like to start a weight loss journey, and you also need to remember that you are going to need to infuse this into your diet as much as possible.  Someone who would like to have a better chance of losing weight needs to have a chance of using something that is not addictive, that is easy o dose, and that is easy to understand. You can also get … [Read more...]