Awesome Careers for Your Inner Artist

It is important to cultivate your inner artist, in every aspect of your life. If life were without art, life would be a mundane and melancholic thing. Art is not just painted on canvas, that would be a very na�ve way to look at things. Art is truly all around us, in the inherent beauty of Earth, the birdsong on a summer's eve, and the laughter of a newborn baby. And, while there is so much more to art than the aforesaid, those perhaps stand out the most.  Art is completely subjective to e … [Read more...]

How to Preserve Artwork in Self Storage Unit

Preserving artwork is an art itself. If you own artwork, just for the love of it or for a gallery, then you already know that those babies are not only precious but also prone to damage. Keeping them safe and in good condition is always on your mind, isn't it? When not in display, the best thing to do to your artwork is to keep them at a self-storage unit to preserve both its quality and value. Here's how to ensure its utmost protection from evitable damages. Storage Unit Is Your Best … [Read more...]

What Should Modern Students Know About the Value of Art?

Should They Pay More Attention to Art In Schools And Universities? The arts play an essential role in expanding our horizons and facilitating out-of-the-box thinking. Learning creative subjects can help kids improve their performance, soothe their nervous system, and develop their creativity.  It can also help students cultivate their imagination, which in turn leads to higher IQ-test results and all-round development. In recent decades, hard sciences, such as math's, physics, … [Read more...]

How to Transform Ordinary Things into Artistic Illustrations

Probably, you have visited an art gallery, museum or a hotel and admired an ordinary thing that has been transformed into an amazing and admirable work of art. Creativity in illustrations is at the center of such transformations. If you look at the history of humanity, simple materials that range from clay and wood to minerals have been used to make art. Today, there are many things that illustrators and artists can use as subject matter for transforming into amazing art for home decorations, … [Read more...]