How Good Is A Career In Law: Here Is What Experts Are Saying

A degree in law should appeal to those who wish to develop both practical problem-solving skills and abstract thinking. According to the reports, there is an increase in the number of students choosing law as their career.  It is because pursuing a career in law is considered a high yielding profession. However, it takes lots of determination and hard work to succeed in this area. According to legal experts, this is not everyone's cup of tea.  Furthermore, becoming a lawyer is … [Read more...]

Unsafe Working Conditions at an Oilfield Industry

An Oilfield accident occurs when an employee is unable to perform the required daily duties because the physical conditions of the workplace are too dangerous. For example, exposed cables, damaged equipment, hazardous materials or asbestos can create an unsafe work environment for employees. This type of condition can affect equipment, a single room or part of a building, or the entire property. And if you are a victim of such an accident you need an expert oilfield injury lawyer for … [Read more...]

Job Interview Tips

Psyching yourself up for a job interview can seem a little daunting. Even when you feel like you'll be a great fit for the position and you're confident in your ability to talk about why you'd be great at a job, you know that you're up against other applications who could potentially present themselves as a better option. Some advance preparation and key follow-up steps can make a big difference in how you'll fare on a job interview. Here are some important tips on what you should do during the … [Read more...]

What is The Strong Interest Inventory (SII) Career Assessment and Can it Help You?

SII Career Assessment History The SII is a career assessment that was created following WW I by E.K. Strong, Jr.  It was first published in 1927.  The Inventory was created to assess the career interests of males and females. There have been substantial changes and updates to the Strong Interest Inventory in 1981 and 1985 by Jo-Ida Hansen as well as in 1994 by Lenore Harmon and Fred Borgen.  These changes revised the major segments of the assessment.  Two segments … [Read more...]

Digital Skills to Boost Employability

The world has quickly moved online since the advent of the internet � and 2020 has seen this happen at an accelerated rate. This means that you need to keep up with current trends to stay on top of your career and remain employable. While this can prove to be a challenge for some people who are not as digitally skilled as others, this doesn't mean that you should give up hope as there is still plenty that you can do to improve your digital skillset.  In the following blog post, let' … [Read more...]

Top MBA Specializations You Should Consider

MBAs come in all shapes and sizes but choosing an area of specialization can be tricky if you aren't familiar with what's available. Selecting an MBA pathway that's right for you will depend on an assessment of your skills, interests, and career aspirations. To help you out, we've provided a list below of the top MBA specializations and what they offer.  Entrepreneurship Many young graduates have their sights set on starting their own business, which is why entrepreneurship is now … [Read more...]

Reasons to Become a Dentist

There are so many reasons why anyone would want to become a dentist. It all starts with a passion for the profession. If you're all about helping people, you can never go wrong with a career in health and dental care. For help getting through school, try out GradReady and other GAMSAT preparation courses like AcerGAMSAT. There has been a rapid increase in the human population over the last 20 years. As such, there has been an increase in demand for dental training academy and … [Read more...]

Pros and Cons of Working as a Freelance Transcriber

We all are aware of the fact that every job comes with its advantages and disadvantages, similarly working for freelance transcription jobs too has its pros and cons. Many people who get the role of freelance transcription jobs usually companies about certain demerits and brag about merits. Knowing both merits and demerits of any profession gives a definite idea to the person about the nature of that profession. Anyone who is thinking to put on a try in the field of transcription must be … [Read more...]