10 Smart Ways Of Making Your Kids Eat More Meats

Are you struggling to get your child to eat meat? Parents become worried and frustrated when their child shows resistance to eating meat; some dislike it because of the taste while others complain of the smell � or even worse, some would just flat-out refuse to eat it. Some mothers even choose to force their children to eat meat; but forcing a child to eat meat is a serious mistake - this will only increase their repulsion to meats. When your child doesn't want to eat meat or a certain typ … [Read more...]

5 Tips To Easily Succeed With Keto Diet

The ketogenic diet has gained a lot of hype because of the endless positive effects it has on the body by limiting the carb intake and training the body to consume fat as a fuel. The reason why most of the people don't get aspired results is the extreme confusion about what to do and what not to as there can be plenty of misleading facts and figures that one can go through. If you're someone, who has just started a keto diet, having a troublesome state of mind is pretty obvious. This is why this … [Read more...]