How To Take Care of Your Mental Health as a New Mom

Welcoming a new little person into your life and the lives of people around you are one of the most wonderful experiences. However, it can also be very stressful and emotional. Many new moms suffer from the baby blues or even postpartum depression. This happens for many reasons, including hormone changes and the rise and subsequent fall of Oxytocin. You may have also had a traumatic birth, which can be very damaging to your mental health - if this is the case, then you may need to speak to a … [Read more...]

Postpartum Weight Loss: The Do’s and Don’ts

There's so much pressure on women to get back to their post-baby body these days. But feeling good about yourself is about much more than losing that postpartum weight. We all need to take a more holistic approach to health and fitness. This means taking care of your emotional, physical and mental health. This is particularly true for new mums, who are continuing to experience many changes in their lives. Lot's of new mums worry about the effects of pregnancy on the stomach area. Once … [Read more...]

What You Need to Know About Postpartum Depression

Bringing a whole new person into the world is supposed to be a joyous occasion, so why do you feel so miserable after doing so? You may have heard of the short-lived �baby blues,� but if you've felt down for two weeks or more, you may be experiencing postpartum depression. Postpartum depression is common. First off, know that you are not alone. In fact, postpartum depression is quite common, affecting about one in nine mothers. Perinatal depression, a term that encompasses depressi … [Read more...]

Tips for Getting Back To Work After Having a Baby

As a new mum, it's natural that you will experience lots of emotions as you leave your child behind and go back to work. Many moms in your situation have reported feeling sad, guilty, and anxious. However, you can't let these emotions get in the way� you have to soldier on and do whatever you can to make sure that you give your best, both at work and at home.   Here are 3 crucial tips for getting back to work after having a baby: Figure out the logistics before you have to go bac … [Read more...]

10 Smart Ways To Stay Fit When You Have A Toddler

Toddlers are so full of energy that they literally consume all their parents' time. The primary caregiver � mostly moms � are dead tired at the end of the day by running after their toddler all the time. Yet, this does not mean that all running around leads to any weight loss, instead, it is the other way around; eating all the leftovers leads to weight gain. Staying fit with toddlers is even more difficult because you cannot take out any time for yourself. You cannot hit the road or go … [Read more...]

Five Easy Postpartum Hair Care Tips for New Moms

Everyone knows that having a baby changes your body pretty dramatically. What they might not realize, though, is that your hair is not exempt from postpartum changes. If you've noticed that your hair has been getting thinner now that you've delivered your baby, don't panic. This is a normal part of your body balancing itself out after pregnancy. Not sure how to deal with the changes your hair is going through? Keep reading. Listed below are five easy postpartum tips that will make … [Read more...]

5 Effective Tips For Postpartum Weight Loss

While experiencing pregnancy and giving birth to a baby is beautiful, it changes the posture and women's body drastically. Although others might not think that, living with the postpartum body is such a struggle. Especially when you had undergone C-section, your tummy seems to be cramping and aching all the time for weeks and even after that. However, that is not eternal. Pregnancy changes your whole body that doesn't mean that you have to live with that body throughout your life. It is … [Read more...]