Top 10 Benefits of Lemon and Olive Oil

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 Benefits of Lemon and Olive Oil

Many cuisines, especially those with Mediterranean and Levantine origins, use lemon juice and olive oil as staple ingredients. Several ailments are said to be cured with olive oil and lemon juice, including gallstones, joint discomfort, and early aging. Researchers have also examined the nutritional benefits of olive oil and lemon juice separately. 

If you want to improve your health and quality of life, you need to take care of yourself inside and out. Your physical and emotional health will benefit from getting your day off to a healthy start. Your immune system will be strengthened against illnesses and infections by consuming a potent mixture of olive oil, lemon, and lukewarm water, which will help detoxify your body. 

In this blog, we’ll talk about whether there’s any evidence to support the alleged health benefits of mixing olive oil with lemon juice. We’ll also go through each of these ingredients’ advantages and potential drawbacks separately.

Benefits of Olive Oil

Using pressure and centrifuge, among other techniques, the oil is squeezed out of the ripe olive fruits to produce olive oil. The finest quality olive oil is extra-virgin (EVOO), which contains about 73% of the heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acid oleic acid (MUFA). Vitamins E and K are also abundant in them. Another appealing feature of olive oil is its abundance of polyphenols, which are naturally occurring compounds. They are strong anti-oxidants that counteract oxidative stress by removing harmful free radicals from the body. 

Here are some benefits of Olive Oil

  • Promotes Breast Cancer Prevention: Olive oil with cancer may not sound like a good combination. However, using olive oil when you cook can help prevent breast cancer. Oleuropein, a naturally occurring substance found in olive leaves, was discovered to have possible anti-breast cancer capabilities in a Saudi Arabian study. Another scientific experiment carried out in Spain discovered that women who eat an olive oil-rich diet had a 62 percent lower risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Promotes Weight Loss: Never has losing weight been so simple. What if you could indulge in your favorite snacks while still losing weight? We’re not kidding! Watch yourself transform from flab to fab by eating your favorite Italian spaghetti or a salad with a splash of olive oil. The effectiveness of olive oil in assisting with weight loss was supported by a study published in the Harvard School of Public Health. A moderate-fat Mediterranean diet that uses olive oil and a low-fat diet both resulted in weight loss, but their effects were contrasted. Only 20% of the volunteers in the low-fat group were still on the diet at the end of the study.
  • Regulates cholesterol: Yes, consuming olive oil can help lower your body’s levels of harmful cholesterol. But is the cholesterol content in olive oil high? Minimum amounts of saturated and polyunsaturated fats are present in olive oil. It can regulate the body’s blood cholesterol levels thanks to this characteristic. Olive oil has the highest concentration of monounsaturated fat (between 75 and 80 percent), which aids in the production of HDL and good cholesterol in the body. In a study, researchers from Spain’s Universidad Autonoma de Madrid discovered that consuming a lot of extra virgin olive oil decreased the body’s LDL cholesterol levels. Additionally, it has been associated with a rise in HDL (good) cholesterol in people.

Benefits of Lemon Juice

The Rutaceae family of flowering plants includes the spherical, colorful fruit known as the lemon. This variety is native to North-Eastern India and is scientifically known as Citrus limon. Due to its high citric acid content, this vivid yellow citrus fruit has a distinctly sour flavor. Due to its distinctive flavor, lemon is a common addition to meals, desserts, and beverages. The majority of a lemon can be used in cleaning and cooking. Lemons are packed with nutrients like vitamins, fibers, and phytochemicals that can be beneficial to your health. The high vitamin content of the pulp, rind, and juice boosts immunity and reduces the risk of illness. Because of their soluble dietary fiber, lemons promote healthy digestion.

Here are some benefits of Lemon Juice

  • Improves heart health: Lemons include roughly 50 mg of vitamin C in them, which is more than half the recommended daily intake. In addition to improving immunity, this vitamin C boosts your heart health by reducing your risk of heart disease and stroke. Lemon juice also has a lot of dietary fiber, which lowers LDL, or bad cholesterol, and lowers risk factors for heart disease, a high cholesterol level can cause atherosclerosis or the hardening of the heart’s arteries. Lemon contains two plant chemicals that are known to decrease cholesterol, namely hesperidin and diosmin. A few small studies have suggested that drinking lemon juice can help control high blood pressure. Lemon can help with the primary method of treating high blood pressure. 
  • Weight Control: Lemons contain pectin fiber, which when consumed expands and prolongs your feeling of being full. Lemon water is widely marketed as a tool for weight loss and management. The study’s results were not tested on humans; instead, mice were employed by the researchers. It’s also crucial to bear in mind that lemon water may be very helpful in making you feel full and preventing snacking.
  • Aids digestion: High levels of soluble fiber in lemon assist maintain regular bowel motions and enhance digestion. Among the primary fibers in lemons is pectin, which promotes better digestion of carbohydrates. Ayurvedic medicine recommends drinking water with lemon juice and pulp first thing in the morning to stimulate digestion. Additionally, it supports a healthy digestive tract. 

Does the lemon juice and olive oil combination work?

Some people assert that mixing lemon juice and olive oil together has health benefits. It is said that they promote weight loss, prevent gallstones, cleanse the body and help with detoxification.

Let’s look at each of these assertions individually.

  • Cleanse and detox: You may discover many recipes online that claim to cleanse and detoxify the body using lemon juice, olive oil, or a combination of the two. Allegedly, detoxes and cleanses remove waste and toxins that have accumulated in your body over time. There doesn’t seem to be much research, though, on the topic of whether lemon juice and olive oil can aid in detoxification or cleansing.

    When compared to other plant oils, the health consequences of eating olive oil were examined in a 2018 evaluation of 27 high-quality studies. When compared to persons who used other plant oils, the researchers discovered that those who consumed olive oil during the study period had lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol and higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol in their blood.

    Olive oil and lemon juice contain antioxidants and polyphenols that could be referred to as “cleansing” substances because they neutralize or “clean up” dangerous free radicals that would otherwise cause cell damage and possibly contribute to illness and disease.
  • Weight Loss: According to research, the MUFAs in olive oil and the vitamin C in lemon juice both play a part in helping people maintain their weight.

    Vitamin C levels in lemon juice are high. 38.7 mg, or 43% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for males and 52% for women, are present in a 3-ounce (100-gram) serving. Vitamin C is a crucial ingredient required for the body to produce carnitine, a substance that is responsible for carrying fat molecules into the cells, where they are broken down and utilized as a source of energy. Consequently, insufficient vitamin C intake could result in less fat being broken down.

    An older study from 2006 found that healthy adults with somewhat low vitamin C levels burnt 25% less fat during a 60-minute treadmill walk compared to those with appropriate vitamin C levels. Olive oil and lemon both have elements that support weight loss, thus combining the two will undoubtedly help someone on their fitness path.
  • Kidney and Gallstones: It is recognized that a low intake of vitamin C and a high intake of saturated fats cause these kidney and gallstone issues. Gallstones are cholesterol and digestive fluid deposits that form in the gallbladder and become hardened. According to certain reports, some people utilize the natural cure of mixing lemon juice and olive oil to encourage the movement of gallstones.

    The advice to consume healthy fats like olive oil is one of many dietary recommendations that can help prevent gallstones. According to some research, eating healthy fats like olive oil may help avoid gallstones by regularly contracting and emptying the gallbladder.

    By turning cholesterol into bile acids, vitamin C may present in lemons, suppressing the formation of cholesterol crystals, and hence preventing gallstones. Thus the combination of olive oil and lemon juice can help prevent gallstones from happening. 

Other benefits of lemon juice and olive oil

  • Stimulates the immune system: With a dash of fresh lemon juice and some extra virgin olive oil, you may double your intake of vitamin C, an antioxidant nutrient that supports healthy immune function but also helps the body maintain a pH balance and guards against colds and flu.
  • Facilitates digestion: Food digestion significantly improves due to the laxative properties of extra virgin olive oil and the stomach-deflating properties of lemon. As a result, there is less bloating and higher nutrient absorption.
  • Maintains blood pressure: A person with high blood pressure can benefit greatly from the antioxidants and minerals found in this natural remedy of lemon juice and olive oil. It improves cardiac rhythm and helps you control blood pressure if you drink it first thing in the morning.
  • Lowers cholesterol levels: Olive oil, which is high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, enhances blood circulation, keeps veins and arteries healthy, and aids in lowering the body’s levels of harmful LDL cholesterol.
  • Rheumatic Pain Relief: A tablespoon of olive oil and three drops of lemon juice taken in the morning (regularly) are a true panacea for people experiencing joint or rheumatic problems due to the anti-inflammatory properties of this traditional medicine.
  • Assistance for the liver: The combination of lemon juice and olive oil on an empty stomach is undoubtedly one of the most significant advantages as it has a purifying effect that cleanses and lightens the liver. 

Should you combine olive oil and lemon juice?

Yes, they are! Numerous components in lemon juice and olive oil can be beneficial for your health. Each component offers potent health advantages of its own. However, olive oil and lemon juice combined may have stronger effects than either one does when ingested separately. People have asserted that this mixture can heal gallstones, enhance digestion, cleanse the body, ease joint pain, and prevent premature aging.

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