Top Strategies to Unlock Your Child’s Full Potential in NAPLAN

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The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a valuable tool to assess your child’s educational progress against national benchmarks. This standardised test is taken by children in years 3, 5, 7, and 9, which covers the essential subjects of literacy and numeracy. But just like any standardised test, some children may struggle to perform well on NAPLAN, regardless of their ability.

Therefore, as a parent, it is essential to equip your children with the right strategies. In this article, we will share some proven strategies to help you unlock your child’s full potential in NAPLAN.

Familiarise Your Child with the Test Format

One crucial strategy to help your child perform well on the NAPLAN test is to familiarise them with the test format. By doing so, your child will understand the structure of the test, the types of questions they will encounter, and how long they have to complete each section.

The more familiar your child is with the format of the test, the less stressed they will be during the exam. Fortunately, there are various online resources where you can access past NAPLAN tests, practice exams, and learning resources to help your child get accustomed to the test format.

Practice Time Management

Another key strategy to help boost your child’s performance at Naplan is good time management skills. This skill is essential to ensure that your child completes all questions in the given time. NAPLAN is a time-restricted test, and children may become overwhelmed by the number of questions they need to answer.

Therefore, you can equip your child with the necessary skills by providing them with practice exams that replicate the exact test-taking environment. With practice, your child will learn how to allocate their time effectively and pace themselves throughout the test.

Boost Literacy and Numeracy Skills

NAPLAN tests both literacy and numeracy skills; therefore, ensuring your child has a strong foundation in both subjects will help boost their performance. You can start by identifying your child’s weaknesses and then developing a plan to bolster their skills in those areas.

For instance, if your child is struggling with reading comprehension, providing them with books to read or taking them through online resources such as reading comprehension apps can help improve their literacy skills. Similarly, if your child is facing difficulties with numeracy, maths apps or maths lessons might help to solve the problem.

Encourage Healthy Habits

In addition to preparing your child academically for NAPLAN, you must also promote healthy habits in their daily routine. Encouraging them to get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and stay hydrated can help improve their cognitive functions and ultimately enhance their test performance.

Reward Your Child

Rewarding your child for their efforts and hard work is an excellent way to keep them motivated. Rewards can be small prizes or experiences that will make them feel appreciated. Creating a reward system can help them maintain a positive attitude in their studies, increase their motivation, and improve their performance.

In Summary

There is no perfect formula for acing NAPLAN; however, with the right strategies and tools, you can help your child perform their best. Familiarising your child with the test format, practising good time management skills, building strong literacy and numeracy skills, instilling healthy habits, and creating a reward system can help your child perform better on the NAPLAN test.

As parents, it is your responsibility to provide the right tools, resources, and support to prepare your children for this important test.

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