Ways To Remember A Lost Loved One

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Did you know that in a lifetime a person dies three times? First when the body dies, second when they are buried, and third when their name is spoken for the last time.

When a loved one dies, the feeling is natural but incredibly difficult to deal with.

Their memories are what we as the ones left behind have to keep alive. When we memorialize someone; we are allowing ourselves to accept and then heal. These 5 suggestions will help you keep a dead loved one’s memory alive.

Make New Memories

When a loved one passes away, we are frequently left with not just their memories, but also their photos, their things in closets and drawers. It might be tough to let go of these keepsakes since they act as a physical reminder of that individual. It is even tougher when they don’t get to meet the newest members of the family. An extravagant collage of them with the other or newer family members is a way for you to pause and remember them every day and also to keep their legacy alive. Don’t just remember your loved ones; share and honor them with a beautiful handmade painting.

Prepare Their Favorite Food

Food is an amazing method to keep someone’s memories alive, as well as a terrific way to interact with them. Indulging in the same cuisine that your loved one enjoyed, whether it’s learning to make their favorite holiday meal or simply savoring their favorite treat once in a while, is a powerful kind of connection – and an easy way to talk about them with your family and friends. Treating your close ones to your loved ones’ favorite cuisine is a way to keep their memory alive.

Give Back In Their Name

You can set up a grant or a charity in your loved one’s name to benefit others in a variety of ways. Find something they were passionate about and come up with a means to do something charity that will keep their legacy alive in the community year after year. According to Mary Schilling, a certified psychologist and the Editor-in-Chief of Verywell Mind, “creating a charity is a fantastic way to commemorate your loved one.” “It doesn’t have to be a huge project. You might just award a little scholarship to your local school in the honor of your loved one. You may even hold a fundraiser with friends and family every year to raise funds and donate to a meaningful cause.”

Celebrate Their Birthday

When your loved one’s birthday rolls around each year, get together with friends and family and have a drink or share a meal in their honor. Keeping that sense of connection between those of you who have experienced loss is a fantastic way to share your sadness while also honoring your loved one’s memory collectively.

Keeping their memory alive and talking about them is a way to stay connected to them and that is necessary for our healing process. There is always some comfort in talking to someone about your loved one. Talking to someone about the person you’ve lost is a basic fundamental need. To remember and mourn them jointly is a heartfelt way to keep a loved one’s memories alive.

Carry On A Tradition

The yearly pig roast in the summer. At Thanksgiving, there’s a two-handed touch. Bringing everyone together for a game of baseball in the playoffs. Traditions are essential to the fabric of a family and the preservation of memories, especially for children. Consider a custom you had with a loved one and make an effort to continue it with your family and friends. “It may be anything as simple as eating a  bucket of wings every time you watch football.” “It might be something large, like going camping,” Morin speculates. “In their honor, continue that legacy.”

To Conclude

Most of us would like to cling to our dead loved ones’ memories for as long as possible, yet memories fade with time. When we commemorate the life and death of a loved one, we guarantee that the elements of their legacy are preserved for future generations, and on a personal level the best way to do it is with a handmade painting of your loved one.

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