What baby formula is best for milk allergy?

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An allergic reaction has several different symptoms, but most often it manifests as skin rashes. Rashes appear on the face (in particular, on the cheeks), chest, and abdomen, as well as on the hands and feet. The first symptom is dryness and redness of small areas of the skin, where later rashes, wetness, and crusts form. Other signs are coughing, rhinitis, wheezing, and intestinal disturbances. If you are looking for feeding suited for your baby suffering from allergies, Hipp HA stage 1 formula is a great option. If a kid has an allergy to corn, cow milk protein, or both this food is full of gentle ingredients that are easy to digest. HiPP is also free from soy and gluten, and its taste and smell are very similar to breast milk as much as possible.

How to choose a formula for protein allergies

There are 3 types of formulas for allergic:

  1. Milk-based
  2. Soy-based
  3. Amino acid

+ Extensively and partially hydrolyzed

The standard formulas are those based on milk. They are designed with milk proteins and they perfectly suit healthy babies who don’t have any allergic reactions to milk protein.


Soy is one of the main sources of plant proteins used in baby food as an alternative to milk proteins.

Key benefits of soy protein:

  • high nutritional value, close to cow milk protein
  • less saturated fat, no cholesterol
  • the presence of phytoestrogens (isoflavones) in the composition
  • reducing the burden on the kidneys.

As for the disadvantages:

  • increased content of manganese – prolonged feeding can affect the development of hyperactivity. Therefore, the duration of use of soy formulas should be under the supervision of a pediatrician
  • soy protein is harder to assimilate, so manufacturers include an average of 1.5 times more protein in soy than in milk formulas.
  • soy contains phytates – substances that slow down the absorption of iron, magnesium, copper, calcium, phosphorus, and zinc.

Amino acid

A unique infant formula based on amino acids helps children (from 0 to 12 months) who suffer from allergies. The amino acid feeding is especially helpful in case of damage to the gastrointestinal tract, with multiple intolerances to milk proteins. It differs from all other infant food because it contains no foreign protein at all (only amino acids). Usually, the pediatricians prescribe the amino acid diet to treat an already existing food allergy or to confirm the diagnosis in infants. As you know, the immune system of babies is far from fully matured and various kinds of allergens could cause an allergic reaction.

Extensively and partially hydrolyzed

In simple words, hydrolyzed formulas contain broken-down milk that makes it easy for babies to digest. The partially hydrolyzed formula is made to simplify digestive discomfort such as gas, or burping, etc. while the extensively hydrolyzed is effective for curing milk protein allergy for many kids.

In conclusion, be aware that even a small amount of milk can cause a baby to react. If the pediatrician confirms that the child is lactose intolerant or sensitive, you can switch to Hipp Dutch Stage 1 which features low allergenic proteins, having all vitamins that mimic the naturally present in breast milk, and natural lactic acid.

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