What to Consider When Buying a Baby Sleeping Bag

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Baby Sleeping

If you’re in the process of furnishing your baby’s nursery, you’re undoubtedly spending a lot of time window shopping. And most probably, you’ve seen a few baby sleeping bags and are wondering how to pick one properly. Although blankets and sheets are still safe to use, there is a small risk of babies wiggling beneath the covers in the middle of the night.

Baby sleeping bags are a secure alternative to top sheets and blankets. A well-fitted sleeping bag eliminates the possibility of entanglement and suffocation. Choosing a high-quality, natural sleeping bag for your baby’s resting environment is a huge decision!

Factors When Buying a Baby Sleeping Bag

There are numerous factors for selecting the best sleeping bag for your little one. A decent baby sleeping bag should have breathable materials to keep any baby at a consistent temperature throughout the night. These factors are as follows:


Always choose a sleeping bag appropriate for your baby’s age and weight. If the sleeping bag is too big for the baby, they may be able to wiggle farther into the bag and cover their head. You should also consider your baby’s weight. Some babies don’t weigh as intended for their age group, so don’t rely on that.


Sleeping bags are also grouped by size to assist you in selecting the best one for your child. Sometimes the sleeping bag may appear long. But don’t worry; these are made to give your child plenty of room to kick and wiggle around.


Check the nursery room’s temperature or the sleeping environment when selecting a sleeping bag. Babies can’t regulate their temperature, so watching room temperature and TOG ratings is critical. You’ll probably need a few bags for seasonal fluctuations or an all-season sleeping bag.

Sleeping bags have a Thermal Overall Grade or TOG. It is a unit of measurement used to calculate the thermal insulation, most commonly in textiles. Here’s a brief rundown of TOG per temperature:

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