Why You Need To Train Your Dog

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In the past, dog training was regarded as somewhat of a luxury for pet owners who could afford it, and was mostly based on teaching the dogs agility skills or obedience commands. Since then, many people have come to realize it’s important to understand their dog’s behavior and also for the dogs to get mental stimulation.

Training can strengthen the communication between humans and dogs. Anxious dogs will especially benefit from training and it helps them form a solid bond with their owners through the positive reinforcement they receive. Visit thedogwizard.com to learn more about how training can benefit your dog.

When Should You Start Training a Puppy?

You can start training and socializing your puppy as soon as you get them. It’s a good idea to enroll them in a Puppy Socialization class that will help them at the start of the training process.

Get a professional trainer who uses positive reinforcement and rewards your dog with treats, toys, or praise for doing something right. Training methods that use punishment could cause your dog to become aggressive.

Reasons Why You Need To Train Your Dog

Every dog can benefit from training, even older dogs. It’s also easier to take a trained dog with you when you go somewhere. Here are some other reasons training is beneficial for your pup:

Builds a Positive Relationship

Training can help you build a healthy relationship based on trust and respect with your dog. The training will help your dog adjust to the home environment without developing stress-related behavior such as chewing, barking at inappropriate times, and acting in an aggressive way.

Working with your dog will also increase your understanding of her needs and will help you become a better dog owner. The dog will also begin to understand your body language and behavior. The aim is to form a partnership with your dog.

Appropriate Behavior in Social Situations

Training teaches dogs useful skills such as interacting with humans in an appropriate way, e.g. not jumping on guests when they enter your house.

If you want your dog to be friendly, you have to socialize her with different people and animals in different environments. Socializing your dog at a young age will prevent her from becoming anxious in social situations when she is older. If your dog doesn’t like interacting that much with others, don’t force her. All dogs have their own personalities and preferences.

Training also helps to reduce problem behavior, which you may have reinforced unintentionally when the dog was small. 

Safety of the Dog and Others

If you can control your dog with voice commands, you can protect her better when she’s not restrained. If she doesn’t listen to you, there is a higher chance that she might end up running in front of a car, or out of your front door.

It’s also safer for your family and friends if your dog is well trained. It’s essential to have your puppy trained if you have small children in your household. It’s useful in social situations if your dog understands commands. For example, if she doesn’t want to calm down when you have visitors, an effective command will teach her to stay on her mat when people come to the door.

Mental Stimulation

Dogs also need mental stimulation, especially those with a lot of energy. The classes you do should be fun and engaging. If you’re training your dog at home, stop the session if you notice the dog seems frustrated or she has started ignoring your commands. Try again the following day.

Final Thoughts

Dogs can bring joy to your life, but they can also become a problem if they are ill-mannered and untrained. Training benefits both the dogs and their humans, as you will have a better quality of life together if your dog learns obedience and social skills. The process can also be enjoyable as you also spend valuable time with your pet.

Dog training will ultimately help your dog to lead a rich and stimulating life, as your pet will be able to participate in more activities and accompany you to places she would not have been able to go if she wasn’t trained.

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