Methods to Become More Involved in Your Community

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 Involved in Your Community

If you’ve just moved to a new area or are a long-standing member of your community, it can feel wonderful to be part of a group that is motivated to help others near and far as well as to bring some community spirit and cheer to your own doorstep through involvement in various activities.

It may be organizing a bake sale to raise money for local charities, setting up a soup kitchen to feed the homeless or hosting an auction to fund schools in the third world. The importance of giving back to your community can extend beyond your own neighborhood, creating a positive ripple effect on many others further afield.

In this article, we will explore some creative ways you can give back to society by volunteering your time and ideas to your local community.

Organize a Food Pantry

According to data from the Current Population Survey Food Security Supplement, the use of food pantries across U.S. households increased from 4.4% to 6.7% in 2020. Organizing a food pantry or food drive to feed the hungry in your local community can be an invaluable and much-needed initiative for those in need in your area.

Before you begin, reach out to other food services and organizations in your area which are already feeding the hungry to lend your support. A good place to start is your local Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) officer, faith-based organizations or your local food bank. Once you have decided on the area that will most benefit from your efforts, ask them how you can best meet their needs. For example, they may require food that is low in salt, culturally appropriate or canned goods only.

Put together a committee of volunteers by asking friends and other community members and advertising for volunteers at local clubs and societies. You can then form a committee where you allocate responsibilities and begin coordinating your efforts. Some topics on the agenda should include finding a collection site, sorting and delivery of food, promoting your event, storage of food (especially perishables) and managing financial donations.

Start a Group

You may be an avid film buff, closet bookworm or have a passion for arts and crafts. Whatever your favorite pastime activity, why not turn it into a community affair where you get to share your enthusiasm and joy for your subject with other like-minded people?

Establishing such a group will be welcomed by your new members and can be a great way to form friendships and meet new people, especially if it is the first of its kind. There are many ways to get the word out to your local community including creating a page on Facebook advertising your new group, putting a notice up at your nearest supermarket and library or starting a group on

Attend Local Council Meetings

Attending your local council meetings can keep you informed of local issues as well as give you a voice in local policy and decision-making. This is the perfect forum to put your views across on ways to improve community engagement, the allocation of government grants, and any issues in your community you would like resolved.

You can use your voice to support certain initiatives in your area such as homeless shelters, conservation and environmental matters or keeping your local library open. By sharing your thoughts and ideas you can help make your local area a better place for all residents.

Support Your Local Church

Often steeped in history, churches are revered for their antiquated feel which harks back to an earlier time, however, their time-honored structure can become dilapidated without proper upkeep and repair.

Whether it’s raising money for a new roof, protecting against dampness in the timbers or repairing broken stained glass in the windows, maintaining your local church so that it can continue to be a holy place of comfort and refuge for the local community can be a great place to focus your attention.

In addition to fellowship and ministry to local parishioners, many churches such as Advent UMC are involved with regional and international humanitarian work where they provide food and clothing for the starving and impoverished or physical aid and clean water to many of the world’s third world countries.

Below are some ways to support your local church, helping to keep it in good repair so it can continue to serve its purpose both near and far:

Regular inspections: By spotting potential issues early, you can save your church a lot of expense and disruption to its service. A regular inspection of all maintenance-related matters such as blocked gutters, water damage, faulty electrics or missing roof tiles can avoid the need for costly repairs and setbacks if left unattended.

Energy Efficiency: Many churches, especially those that were built centuries ago, are unsurprisingly inefficient when it comes to energy. Outdated or broken Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems or inadequate roofing materials can cause energy bills to be larger than should be. According to the U.S. Department of Energy’s eeCompass guide, replacing heating and cooling equipment with higher efficiency equipment can reduce energy use by 50%. An energy audit can also help you identify areas that can be improved which community fundraising efforts can contribute towards. This could include energy-efficient light bulbs, a new HVAC system or draught exclusion products.

Facility Management: Volunteering your time to various facility matters around your church can be a great way to improve its current state and save the cost of hiring professionals. Consider drawing up a rota with other members of your community where you take turns to tend to matters such as landscaping, cleaning the altar, polishing metalware, vacuuming, changing light bulbs and stocking up on inventory.

Volunteer At an Animal Shelter

If you are a pet lover, volunteering at your local animal shelter can be a great way to get involved with your local community while spending time caring for and nurturing animals.

Often, these shelters look after lost or abandoned pets, helping to reunite them with their owners or rehouse them in a safe, new environment where they will be loved and looked after.

Playing your part in this process can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience that is good for your emotional, physical, and mental health. Studies also show that spending time with animals can help lower your stress levels and blood pressure.

With so many activities to give your attention to, you can easily find something that will suit you and allow you to contribute to your local community.

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