10 Rules for a Balanced Diet

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Correct menu creation helps you keep in shape, manage your weight, and feel active and productive all day. These objectives may be achieved without rigid diets or eating regimens. Simple food principles may strengthen the body, replenish cells, enhance skin and hair, and improve digestion.
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What Should be on the Menu

Clearly determine your daily calorie intake. It should be appropriate for your gender, age, activity level and metabolic rate. For women, the normal figure is 1500 kcal, and for men – 2000. If you play sports, add 300-800 kcal to this figure, depending on the type and intensity of exercise.

You should also understand that a balanced diet is a varied diet. The lifestyle of vegetarians and fruitarians has its place, but a truly healthy menu should contain meat and fish, and offal.

Rules for a Healthy Diet

Rule #1

We limit unhealthy foods, namely: marinades and pickles, fatty and fried foods, smoked foods, and sweet pastries. It is strictly forbidden to eat fast foods, snacks, chips, mayonnaise, and animal fats. From drinks we exclude alcohol and tonic drinks, sweet soda, energy drinks, instant coffee and coffee drinks from bags, and sweet industrial juices. Fats should be supplied to the body from plant foods (olive oil), as well as sea fish. And sweets can be dietary: marshmallows, homemade yogurt, marmalade, semolina pudding, dried fruits, meringues, etc.

Rule #2

The daily menu should consist of 50% building material – proteins (proteins), 30% complex carbohydrates and 20% plant lipids (fats). All these necessary elements are present in vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, cereals and whole grain bread.

Rule #3

Fractional Meals

We organize split meals. It is advisable to have 5 meals a day: 3 main meals and 2 small snacks (fruit, yogurt, vegetable salad, sandwich, dessert, cottage cheese, etc.). This will allow you not to overeat and evenly distribute the calorie content of your meals, which in turn will improve digestion and will not lead to excess weight gain.

Rule #4

Stick to your individual caloric intake, but spend “fasting” days several times a week. This does not mean that you need to eat only kefir and cucumbers, because we are not talking about a diet at all. Unloading involves reducing your usual caloric intake by about a third and creating a menu exclusively from healthy foods. Thus, the body will be cleansed of toxins and poisons, excess water, which will significantly reduce swelling.

Rule #5

Notice the lack of energy substances in a timely manner. The body must receive enough energy, but with an excess of carbohydrates (especially simple ones), the substances are deposited in fatty layers. If you went on vacation and reduced your activity, reduce your carbohydrate intake. If you go to sports, increase your protein intake. If the condition of hair, nails and skin has worsened, there is not enough fat in the body.

Rule #6

Rules for proper nutrition

Learn to eat properly. Forget about eating in bed with TV or a newspaper. Chew your food well until it is completely dissolved, because saliva is involved in the important primary digestion and disinfection of foods. The better you chew your food, the faster it will be absorbed. You should also not eat in a hurry or swallow food during times of stress. Muscle spasms can disrupt the production of hydrochloric acid and, as a result, digestion.

Rule #7

How to prepare the product for use. Everyone knows that food must be thoroughly washed (cleaned) before preparing or consuming. Also know that food should be at room temperature. Do not overuse ice cream and ice drinks, as well as hot soups from the stove. Don’t choke on a fibrous piece of steak – cut it into small cubes to make digestion easier. As for the cooking method, preference is given to boiling (including steaming), stewing and baking without animal fats. Try to rarely cook dishes in batter, as well as fried or baked to a thick crust.

Rule #8

Visit your dentist promptly. Diseased teeth and gums are a breeding ground for bacteria and infections that enter the body during nutrition. You can clean your teeth naturally by regularly eating sour fruits (citruses, apples, pineapples).

Rule #9

Don’t wash down your food. Doctors advise drinking 30 minutes before or after meals. This is due to the fact that the liquid dilutes hydrochloric acid, which interferes with productive and rapid digestion.

Rule #10

The principle of separate power supply works. Various enzymes and a certain composition of hydrochloric acid are involved in the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, try not to combine fats and proteins in the same meal. Dessert should be taken as a separate snack.

The most important rule of a healthy diet is to eat densely and efficiently, without overeating, but also without starving. Control your caloric intake, study the composition of foods and eat healthy foods, which will strengthen your immune system and improve your well-being.

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