Try Something Different This Summer: Water Sports

Water sports are some of the most thrilling outdoor pursuits out there (whatever you choose), so why not give one a go this summer? There's something for everyone, whatever your age or fitness level! Here are five of our favorites, and how you can get involved. Canoeing Canoeing is one of the most popular and easily-accessible water sports, and often one of the most wallet-friendly. It's not super-vigorous, which makes it achievable for even less-mobile people, and it's a fantastic … [Read more...]

Family Bonding Activities That Brings Out Your Inner Artists

Summer's here, and we are all starving for some good time. How does the thought of engaging in fun-filled activities as a family sound? Such activities build deep healthy relationships, and tons of memories � something that cannot be achieved with Netflix and chill. Family bonding activities are also a perfect opportunity to relieve your kids off the stress of school while also relieving you of work stress and granting you and your partner some intimate time together. Having the desir … [Read more...]

4 Unique Extra-Curricular Activities for Kids

Kids need activities that can help them maintain a sound mind and remain focused. Curricular activities do that fairly, but extra-curricular ones do it well. Extra-curricular activities relax kids' minds, enhance their focus, and make them catch fun. However, it's not all extra-curricular activities that keep kids' minds in good shape. That's because some are too rigorous for them. While selecting activities for kids, it's essential to put their age into consideration. Also, it's necessary to … [Read more...]

Boredom Busters: 7 Fun Summer Projects for Kids

It's never too early to start planning some fun summer projects for kids to tackle during their school break. We reveal 7 fun activities they'll love. Summer is the happiest time of the year for kids, but if you're a parent then you know  how stressful it can be trying to keep them entertained all day. If you can't send your kids to camp or friends' houses often enough, you'll need to have a long list of fun crafts to do at home. Do you need some inspiration to keep the party going … [Read more...]

4 Ways to Prepare for Summer

Summer is a wonderful season for new family activities, relaxing beside the pool or beach and crossing tasks off of your to-do list in your spare time. Here are some ways to plan your summer before the temperature increases. Make Plans for the Kids Having your children home from school can be overwhelming during the summer months, but there are plenty of options to keep them entertained without spending a lot of money. Visit the library for a story hour or opt outside during the … [Read more...]

Alternatives to Watching Television

Television has become such a common pastime in America that research estimates the average American watches five or more hours a day. Are you concerned that you may be watching too much TV? Are you bored with the programming and content available to you? Here are several suggestions for entertainment that don't involve watching the tube, and might not involve any kind of screen device at all. Board Games Most people over the age of twenty-five grew up playing some type of board game. For a … [Read more...]

Indoor Activities To Do With Your Kids This Winter

Whenever the winter holidays are approaching, the kids get excited, but the minds of the parents are whirring. What would be great bonding sessions for kids and parents when they do not have the freedom to go outside? Instead of letting your young ones run free, stay glued to the couch and to their phone screens, or mess up the house, here are some fun activities to make sure that they remain active to make the holidays memorable for everyone. Dress Up and Act It Out! - You can let your … [Read more...]

Best States to Ride Dirt Bikes

Ask any dirt bike fanatic which state is the best to chase down adventure, and you're likely to hear the Midwest referenced quite a bit. It almost seems like the American heartland has become synonymous with dirt biking, with plenty of professional riders hailing from the Midwestern states. If you're close to the Ozarks, you're probably well aware that dirt biking is a Midwest pastime. However, if you're from out of town and planning a trip specifically to get some quality biking time in, … [Read more...]