How to Make Your Kids Sleep Comfortably At Home

Any loving parent will agree that indeed, kids are one of life's best blessings, despite the various occasions they get stubborn and make you mad to the core. We all want our kids to grow up strong and healthy as they battle their way through the ages toward a successful life. Now, in addition to providing all their basic needs and ensuring they get proper nutrition, it's important to take your kids' sleep seriously. Many studies have revealed that kids who get enough comfortable sleep tend to … [Read more...]

Simple (Yet Effective) Solutions to Common Sleeping Disorders

Sleep is one of the most important routines our body needs to maintain overall health. It is when our body recovers from the daily work it performs throughout the day. It's also when our brain flushes out harmful toxic substances which helps us focus and function effectively. Almost 30% of adults suffer from some sort of sleeping disorder that prevents our body from getting the quality rest it needs and thus not maximizing the recovery period during sleep. The reasons vary from physiological to … [Read more...]

How Long Should It Take to Fall Asleep?

If you struggle with getting a peaceful night's sleep, you're not alone. If you're wondering how long should it take to fall asleep, read on for the answer! You woke up again feeling overly tired and unmotivated. Will you ever get a good night's sleep? If a lack of sleep is becoming way too ordinary for you, you might want to start taking this subject a little more seriously. Sleep is vital for your health, moods, and performance. If you can't seem to fall asleep at night but sleep well … [Read more...]

Night Terrors | 5 Tips To Help Fight the Night Fright

A night terror is also known as sleep terror which is often paired with sleepwalking. Kids of all ages experience night terrors and nightmares but they don't cause any long-term harm. Parents can help them to sleep soundly again. A night terror is not medically significant but it can be distressing. Preschoolers have an active imagination, they worry about monsters whereas older children have nightmares about real-life fears such as being shot or kidnapped � Dr. Mindell (associate director o … [Read more...]

Waking Up Feeling Refreshed

Sleep is essential to wellbeing and good health. Poor sleep patterns affect people's lives in many unpleasant ways. The Buteyko breathing method offers a natural way of learning to control your breathing during sleep and improve your sleeping patterns. It will help you reduce snoring, sleep apnea symptoms, insomnia, nightmares, and disturbing, vivid dreams that leave you feeling tired during the daytime.  Sleeping and breathing are tied together, and it's impossible to have a restful, … [Read more...]

How to Get Your Baby to Sleep, and Stay Asleep

Are you struggling to make your toddler sleep at night?  Well, a lot of parents go through the same situation!  While toddlers tend to sleep more than 8 hours a day, their irregular sleeping routine may disturb their sleep at night. Therefore, a lot of parents keep asking the same question, i.e., how to make my baby sleep through the night. Well, the answer is to get the right mattress. A mattress can affect the sleep of your baby significantly. Moreover, make sure that … [Read more...]

Effective Tips To Help Your Kids Fall Asleep

Some children have trouble falling asleep at night. It doesn't only disturb their parents, but it may also have a negative impact on children's physical well-being. In families where children resist going to sleep with every fiber of their being, bedtime is a real nightmare. Needless to say, early mornings are also difficult in these circumstances. The good news is that it's possible to break this vicious circle. Here is what you need to know to help your kids fall asleep faster: Set a … [Read more...]

3 Indications of Sleeping Disorder in Your Kid

It's hard for you to find out that your child might have sleep issues at night. Nevertheless, no dad or mom wants to see his or her children or daughter sleeping most of the time. Therefore, many parents often ignore how well their kids are sleeping during the night. Then, current studies show that approx 30 percent of kids might have some kind of sleep disorder in a family.  Even as sleep issues could come with unstable levels of severity, and most of the time, it could be treated … [Read more...]