Valuable 10 benefits of Vitamin D from the Sun

Natural light makes us feel better, happier, and lively, thanks to vitamin D production. The sun is essential to our health, strength, peace of mind, and even our survival. Our bodies emerged to use the sun's energy to create hormones that function as pain killers, anti-inflammatory agents, appetite switches, and other factors that keep almost every perspective of our bodies functioning correctly. The sun restores batteries. The outset of this well-being is vitamin D; 10 minutes a day is … [Read more...]

What Are Vitamin K2 and Arginine For Children and Why Are They So Important

In order to grow and develop properly, children need to consume plenty of vitamins and nutrients on a regular basis. The majority of these should � ideally � come from the food they eat. Proteins, fibers, calcium, potassium, and vitamins B and C are just some of the essential nutrients and compounds that will help your little one stay healthy and happy. However, children will also need plenty of other less-known or less-talked about nutrients, such as vitamin K2 and arginine. What is argini … [Read more...]

What to Look for in Vitamin Supplements Sold Online

If you want to buy multivitamins online then there are a few things that you need to think about. After all, you need to make sure that you are not buying a product that is not actually good for you. You should also make sure that you are choosing a good online provider. All of this is easier said than done, but this guide will help you out. Things to Watch out For Some of the things that you need to watch out for include making sure that the brand is NSF or USP certified. This … [Read more...]

Are Vitamin Supplements Necessary for Kids?

On average, young children need anywhere between 1,000 to 2,000 calories per day. The exact amount depends on their exact age and physical activity. Besides a high amount of calories, children also need plenty of vitamins to ensure they grow healthy and strong. But how much of these do they need? And do they need supplements? In this article, we'll discuss whether or not supplements for kids are necessary. What Nutrients and Vitamins Do Kids Need? In general, children need the … [Read more...]

A Guide to Vitamins During Pregnancy

Many pregnant women consider taking vitamins and mineral supplements in order to boost their immune systems and provide relief from some of the effects of pregnancy on their bodies. However, pregnancy can be a worrying and confusing time, and you may not know which vitamins are best for you and your unborn child. To find out more about taking vitamins during pregnancy, read on for a guide on all the facts that you need to know. What supplements are best for you?  The best vitamin … [Read more...]

Vitamin Patches: A Good Alternative To Pills!

A large majority of people are found taking vitamin supplements through oral means. They resort to the liquid form, capsules, or pills that are sometimes put in an organizer that Ikigai Cases offers to get their daily recommended dose of vitamins. This has been the norm for years and serves to be a common means of taking health supplements and nutritional /vitamins for overall well-being and good health. These days, there is another easier-to-use and equally (if not more) beneficial alternative … [Read more...]

Do I Need Prenatal Vitamins with DHA?

If you're trying to conceive or you've just gotten pregnant, then you may want to start taking care of your body more carefully. One way to do this is to ensure that you're getting the right nutrients for you and your baby. Aside from eating a well-balanced diet, you may think about taking prenatal supplements. You may have noticed that not all supplements are the same. Some of these vitamins contain what most people consider must-haves, including DHA and folic acid, while others may not. If … [Read more...]

Supplements Everyone Should Take to Stay Healthy

Many of us don't get all the nutrients that our bodies need. While some deficiencies are common among the entire population, there are also extra nutrients that people need to think about taking if they're pregnant, affected by specific dietary restrictions, or experiencing certain medical conditions. Due to the fact that so many people don't receive proper nutrients from their diet, high-quality supplement manufacturers provide an essential resource by producing nutritional supplements that … [Read more...]