What to Do If Your Child Is Being Bullied

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Child Is Being Bullied

Bullying is a serious issue parents and educators aren’t taking lightly. It can lead a child towards self-isolation, depression, and other conditions that can take a toll on their mental and social well-being. When bullying happens to your child, you should act immediately before it affects not just their performance at school, but also their worldview.

It’s hard enough to know that someone else’s child is being bullied at school or online, but when it happens to your son or daughter, you will need to address the problem head-on. With social media being even more accessible to young people, it’s easy for any child to be the target of bullies online and offline.

As a parent, it’s important to make sure your child is protected from any form of attack, as your child deserves emotional and physical security. Here’s what you can do if you think your child is being bullied:

1. Talk to them

Some children may not tell their parents that they are being bullied. They may even hide their social situation out of embarrassment or fear of reprisal from the bully. The symptoms of bullying can show up in not-so-subtle forms. If you notice your child seems disconnected or uninvolved, you will know that they are having problems at school.

Try to talk to them over dinner or whenever there’s a chance to have a heart-to-heart talk. It might take some time for them to finally open up, but when they do, tell them it’s not their fault and there’s nothing wrong with the way they are. Realizing this is the first step in helping your child develop positive coping strategies and feel unaffected by the bully.

2. Provide positive emotional reinforcement

In most cases, bullies target others who they think are weaker. Apart from physical bullying, psychological bullying can also have a major effect on your child’s self-esteem. A bully will amplify your child’s weaknesses and make them feel as though their strengths don’t matter. For this reason, you need to help your child purge the negative thoughts injected by the bully.

You know your child more than anyone, so you must highlight their gifts and talents. Provide positive emotional reinforcement by telling them about their achievements at school. Beyond that, you should also focus on the positive traits they show at home. Doing this will help your child realize that they are not as weak as the bully frames them to be.

Lastly, you will need to reward your child for telling you they are being bullied. Scolding won’t help, so let your child know that they did a good thing by telling you about the problem before it worsens.

3. Help them channel their rage

A bully can have a compelling presence in the mind of your child. Bottling up their feelings of anger will only cause your child to do something drastic. As much as they want to get back at their bully, you need to give them a different outlet for their anger.

For this reason, help your child find a new hobby or activity that will help distract them. Whether you are allowing them to take up pottery classes or learn a musical instrument, any creative activity can help you avoid actions and decisions that could worsen their situation.

4. Help them look past the bully’s taunts

Whether it’s done online or in person, taunts can lower your child’s confidence. However, you can teach your child to look past them and feel unaffected by them. For instance, if a bully tells your child that they dress funny, teach your child to ignore the taunt, laugh it off, and look away. Bullies draw their sense of power and pride through the fear and sadness of their victims. This might not stop the verbal abuse they get, but your child will learn to downplay a bully’s words and focus on what matters most to them.

5. Allow them to become a good role model

Standing up to a bully is not easy, but when your child does, they become an inspiration to others. It starts with teaching your child how to react positively to a bully and anyone who is being bullied. Encourage them to treat others with kindness. Making friends as a result of this helps your child find allies they can trust who can also help others stand up against the bully.

For your child to become a role model for others, try to strengthen their spiritual foundations. There are many bible resources online that can teach you how to become a good parent and handle problems your child faces at home and school. By investing in their spiritual well-being, you will be able to raise confident children who are never hurt by mere words and encourage others to stand up.

6. Reach out to the right people

If the bullying worsens, you may need to reach out to the school guidance counselor to intervene, especially if the bully has behavioral problems. In some cases, the bully could resort to more intense forms of physical and psychological violence, so getting school officials involved can help put a stop to the situation before it gets worse. You can also present the problem during a PTA meeting where other parents can provide their input.

If necessary, you might want to reach out to the bully’s parents and let them know about what your child has gone through. Be diplomatic and don’t raise tension right away by calling their child a bully. You will want them to acknowledge the problem and cooperate in correcting their child’s behavior.

If it’s a severe case of bullying, your child mah develop symptoms of trauma and anxiety. You should contact a therapist who can help your child recover emotionally. Don’t until their condition hampers their ability to make new friends. Addressing the issue with professional help can restore your child’s confidence.

Knowing that your child is being bullied at school can be difficult to process. You have the responsibility to help them overcome their situation and ensure that their time at school won’t be hampered.

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